Page 23 - Our Story
P. 23

Dear Ariana,

                                                                 Our relationship is truly unique. In two short
                                                                 years we have endured so much together. We

                                                                 have faced many hurdles but regardless of
                                                                 those hurdles we have always lifted each other
                                                                 up and hand-in-hand cleared all of them. I

                                                                 truly believe we make each other stronger.

                                                                 Day by day, choice by choice, we will always
                                                                 strive to raise Reagan to the best of our
                                                                 ability. I promise to always set a good

                                                                 example for Reagan to know how a woman
                                                                 should be treated. I want her to look at us
                                                                 and know exactly what true love looks like. Of

                                                                 course, we will also need the help of Reagan’s
                                                                 very large village to raise such a strong little

                                                                 I believe God knew exactly what he was doing

                                                                 when he brought us together. We don’t always
                                                                 know why He does what He does, but I have to
                                                                 say I’m sure glad he gave me you.

                                                                 Our future together has so many unknowns,
                                                                 but the one thing I know with out a doubt in
                                                                 my heart is that I want to spend the rest of my
                                                                 life with you and Reagan.
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