Page 20 - Hillside 2015 20th Anniversary Newsletter
P. 20

2010                                                          Bruno...

 Hillside Dog Rescue Began...                                  We took Bruno in with an chronic
                                                               skin condition (right) which his
 Determined to do more to help following our investigation     previous owner couldn’t bring under
 into puppy farming in the previous year, and having brought   control. After staying with Wendy,
 twelve dogs and pups back to Hillside at the conclusion of    our founder, who gave him a diet
 our investigation, in 2010 we set up Hillside Dog Rescue.     free of both wheat and meat, along
 Our aim remains to create awareness of the dreadful types     with natural treatments and
 of conditions in which dogs and puppies can be kept in, and   supplements, there was an
 encourage people to give a rescued dog a home instead of      immediate improvement. Bruno
 buying from a breeder. Since 2010 we have rehomed             went on to be happily rehomed with
 hundreds of dogs into loving adoptive homes.                  a loving family.

Content in each other’s company... Below, Wendy with
some of the more difficult dogs that we took in.

                                                                                                    The natural remedies
                                                                                                    Bruno received included
                                                                                                    seaweed supplement,
                                                                                                    omega oils, garlic, herbs
                                                                                                    and cider vinegar given
                                                                                                    internally and externally;
                                                                                                    also regular herbal baths.
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