Page 8 - An Awakening Journey Sampler
P. 8


                                           Father Dennis O’Neil

         In the fall of 1997, I was privileged to witness what happens when the

         veil separating this world from the Otherworld is lifted and living humans

         have a Glimpse of Paradise. Amazingly, this happened in my own dining.

         room! Courtney Davis was visiting the United States for a fortnight and

         spent a week-end in my rectory. I am aware that, in Celtic understanding
         of reality, the body is in the soul of the person. Without even intending

         to  do  so,  before  a  gathering  of  about  thirty  people,  Courtney  actually

         managed  to  help  those  present  to  "see"  this.  With  the  use  of  dowsing

         rods, he  measured  the precise  parameters of the energy fields around

         different individuals. He showed us how our energy fields contract as we

         either close in on ourselves or shut down altogether and expand propor-

         tionately as we feel joyous and expansive. He gave any potential sceptics
         an opportunity to test this out for themselves, if they liked. He then took

         one of his own  pictures  and  invited  individuals  to concentrate on it,

         allowing themselves to be drawn into its world. In each case, their energy

         fields expanded dramatically.

         Witnessing this heightened my appreciation of the way many branches

         of Eastern Christianity use the veneration of icons as a means of drawing

         the believer into closer communion either with Christ or whichever angel

         or saint is depicted. A similar principle is operating in both cases: Celtic

         images, designs, and mandalas and Eastern Christian icons are all gateways

         through  which  a believer  can   enter  the  Otherworld  and  deeper

         communion with its inhabitants.                      .

          Before  the  evening  ended,  Courtney  also  measured  the  energy  field

         around  the  picture  itself  and  then,  speaking  the  entire  time,  slowly  ap-

         proached  the  picture  to  show  what  happens  when  he  crosses  over  the
         boundary of a picture's energy field and enters its world. As he crossed

         over, his voice began to change distorting into a deeper sound and slower

         motion, muffling more and more as he approached the picture.

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