Page 10 - Celtic Beasts Sampler
P. 10


                The  Bible  relates  that Adam was given authority to name all the

          animals.  We are not told how the animals reacted to this; but. if they

          understood at all what was going on. they should have felt threatened.

          From the human perspective of that era. one who had the authority to
          name could also presume a certain amount of power and control over

          whatever had been identified.  Such power was explicitly spelled out in

          Genesis 1:28: "Rule over the fish in the ocean, the birds in the sky, and

          every animal on earth." Calling by name of ten Implied not so much the

          desire to be on intimate terms with an to exercise control over the one

          invoked,  even  if the control went no further than catching the other's

          attention.  No wonder people eventually grew hesitant to call the God
          of Israel by name.  One would not want to appear presumptuous with

          the  Deity!  In  developing  this  aggressive,  objectifying  relationship  with

          non-human reality. people not only began to distance themselves from

          divinity  but  to  place  themselves  in  an  antagonistic  relationship  with

          mother mature.  Eventually  most  people  could  no  longer  hear the

          animals speak.

                Because  the  non-human  inhabitants  of  this  planet  would  probably

          find    bewildering    the  need  some  humans  have  to  compartmentalise

          creatures by boxing them into categories, the beasts treated in this book

          might  resent  being  labelled  "Celtic''.  So,  it  must be stated from the

          beginning that this book in a reflection not so much on the beasts them-

          selves as on what they meant to the Celts.

                      The  Celts  are  the  earliest  identifiable  Northern  European

          civilisation.  writing  around  550  BCE.  the  Greek  historian  Herodutos

          mentioned in passing that at that timer the "Keltoi” lived along the Dan-

          ube River.  Around 400 BCE, they crossed south of the Alps into the Po

          River Valley.  By then, they inhabited an area which extended as far East
          as Western India and included Asia Minor parts of the Balkans. present

          day  Austria,  Germany,  Switzerland.    Northern  Italy.    France,  Northern

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