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President’s Message
Greetings Sorors! I am gether. When we as humbled to serve as your Sorors come together, we Chapter President for
2020-2022 biennium.
My theme is a simple one
with a powerful meaning
“Sisterhood and Service
Matters!” My focus will
be on maintaining the Joy
“...Let’s take the time to truly appreciate each other with our words, actions, and deeds...
COVID-19. Let us stop and thank them for their technical skills that has guided us through Virtu- al MIT, Virtual Chapter Elections, Virtual chap- ter and executive board meetings, committee meetings, and virtual community events and programs.
Let us not forget our Quack Newsletter Chair and Co-chair who have kept us informed with the highlights of the chapter.
Let us thank the mem- bers of the Minerva Cir- cle, who for the past
11 months worked tire- lessly to bring into our chapter 92 Awesome New Sorors representing REDefinin9 Hi2tory.
Sorors, we are facing a crisis in our country and around the world like never before with racism, deadly diseas- es, injustices, inequali- ty, economic downfalls, poverty, hunger, govern- ment accountability and corruption. Let us pause
in our Sisterhood, while continuing service to our communities virtually. The goal is to increase the bond between us as
Sorors, always loving each other, respecting each other, while sup- porting each other no- matter what! Sisterhood is about sharing dreams & achieving goals to-
can move any agenda for- ward to help the needs of the people in our service area. Let’s take the time to truly appreciate each other with our words, ac- tions, and deeds.
We are blessed with an Awesome Technology committee who has kept our chapter functioning in this virtual environment due to