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and thank our social ac- tion committee who have been on the forefront with virtual candidates forum, voters registra- tion, 2020 Census events and parade, Get out the Vote initiatives and dis- tribution of VOTE yard signs. Never before will the outcome of the up- coming elections impact our nation for genera- tions. Let’s celebrate our elected officials
Let’s congratulate our Arts & Letters committee for the success of our first “Virtual Literary Café” and inspiring us to sup- port Red Carpet Events and Sistah to Sistah Book Club virtually. Let us cel- ebrate and support our Chapter Delta Authors
Reminder to Support
Ways & Means Commit- tee “ Strolling for Schol- ars: Virtual Giving Cam- paign” and Economic Development Billion D$llar Challenge and Savings Plan.
outcome of the upcom-
Sorors Teana Watson, Tameika Badger-Carter and Wanda Adams.
ing elections impact
Sheila Jenkins Cassie Levy Silvia Tiller-Jackson Simona Dunn Chrysta Lloyd Demetria Williams Renecheia Robinson Denise Boone Aliyah Thomas Mable Scott Austin Lena Ellis Evelyn Peters Dean Diane Greenwood LaShawn Porter Kendra Waters
As I close, let me send birthday wishes to all November Sorors cele- brating in this month and ask all of you to STOP and thank GOD for all the many blessings we have received in this sea- son of Thanksgiving!
Porscha Jackson Eardie Houston LaKisha Holloway Juanita Hines
and Nicole Wilson.
and Stephanie Collins.
Joy In My Heart, Jackie Smith, President 2020-2022
We are the reigning
We are honored to have members of our chapter achieve state, regional, and national positions.
“Chapter of the Year“ in the Southwest Region, and this distinguished honor would not have been possible without the leadership of our Imme- diate Past President So- ror Evelyn Peters Dean! We salute you. Sorors, we are the leading Delta Chapter in the Nation on Fund raising for March of
...Never before will the
our nation for genera-
Dimes and St. Jude’s. So- rors Vanessa Adams and Evelyn Peters Dean are the top individual fund raisers respectively.

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