P. 100
98 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
For the Year Ended September 30, 2024.
Expressed in millions of Trinidad and Tobago dollars, except where otherwise stated.
2. Material accounting policies (continued)
2.3 Changes in accounting policies continued
IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts (effective January 1, 2023) (continued)
Transition (continued)
The Group has applied the fair value approach on transition for all Individual Life and Annuity contracts issued and
related reinsurance contracts held, as prior to transition, it grouped contracts from multiple cohorts and years into a
single unit for accounting purposes. Obtaining reasonable and supportable information to apply the full retrospective
approach was impracticable without undue cost or effort. The Group has determined the CSM of the liability for
remaining coverage at the transition date, as the difference between the fair value of the group of insurance contracts
and the fulfilment cash flows measured at that date. In determining fair value, the Group has applied the requirements
of IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement.
The Group has aggregated contracts issued more than one year apart in determining groups of insurance contracts
under the fair value approach at transition as it did not have reasonable and supportable information to aggregate
groups into those including only contracts issued within one year.
For the application of the fair value approach, the Group has used reasonable and supportable information available at
the transition date in order to:
• Identify groups of insurance contracts
• Determine whether any contracts are direct participating insurance contracts
• Identify any discretionary cash flows for insurance contracts without direct participation features
The discount rate for the group of contracts applying the fair value approach was determined at the transition date.
Therefore, for the measurement of fulfilment cash flows at the date of transition, the locked-in discount rate is the
weighted average of the rates applicable at the date of initial recognition of contracts that joined a group over a 12-month
period. The discount rate used for accretion of interest on the CSM is determined using the top-down approach at
The Group has elected not to disaggregate insurance finance income or expenses between amounts included in the
Consolidated statement of income and amounts included in other comprehensive income.
The Group does not disaggregate the change in risk adjustment for non-financial risk between a financial and non-
financial portion and includes the entire change as part of the insurance service result.
The Group separately presents income or expenses from reinsurance contracts held from the expenses or income from
insurance contracts issued.
The Group used the income approach to determine the fair value amount used for establishing the insurance contract
liabilities at the transition date.
IFRS 9 – Reclassification
To determine their classification and measurement category, IFRS 9 requires all financial assets to be assessed based
on a combination of the entity’s business model for managing the assets and the instruments’ contractual cash flow
As of January 1, 2023, the Group reassessed its portfolios and has classified a portion of its previous financial assets
designated at amortised cost as financial assets designated at Fair value through the Statement of income. This
reclassification resulted in changes to fair value (realised and unrealised) being now recognised in the Consolidated
Statement of income.