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           Initiative.  This  serves  to  promote  responsible  banking  by   Diversity Equity Inclusion
           encouraging banks to align their operations at the strategic,   As  an  equal  opportunity  employer,  committed  to  Diversity,
           portfolio and transactional levels with prevailing social and   Equity and Inclusion, we are focused on ensuring that our
           environmental  commitments  as  expressed  in the  Paris   systems, policies and procedures represent and promote every
           Climate  Agreement  and  UN  Sustainable  Development   group of individuals within the communities we serve. We
           Goals (SDGs).                                    continue to transition our model to reflect this commitment
        4.  Engagement – We are committed to increased      throughout the Group, educating and raising awareness in
           engagement with our stakeholders on varying scales.   our subsidiaries, with the goal of nurturing and sustaining an
           Currently we engage with our employees via direct and   environment of inclusivity and acceptance.
           frequent  open  communication,  our  shareholders  and
           investors via Annual Meetings and the annual report and
           our regulators through open discussions and forums.    Composition

                                                            The  Board  comprises  a  maximum  of 15  Directors. The
        Provision is made for shareholders to have the opportunity to   Chairman is an Independent Non-Executive Director.  There
        engage with the Group and participate effectively in Annual   is a Senior Non-Executive Director to be known as the Senior
        and Special Meetings through the provision of proxies.     Independent Director. The roles of the RFHL’s Chairman and
        external auditors and members of Senior Management and   its Group President and CEO are separate and clearly defined.
        the Board are available at meetings with shareholders to
        respond to shareholder questions.                   The Board considers certain core characteristics important in
                                                            any nominee for Director. They must:
        The Group’s strategies, policies, agreed management   i.  be individuals of the highest character and integrity,
        performance criteria and business plans are defined and   ii.  demonstrate  a  breadth  and  depth  of  management  and
        measurable in a manner which is precise and tangible both   leadership experience, preferably in a senior leadership role
        to the Board and management.  In turn these performance   in a large or recognised organisation;
        expectations and business plans are shared with each   iii.  possess financial literacy or other professional or business
        subsidiary. The Group’s affairs are subject to comprehensive   experience relevant to an understanding of the Group and
        assessment against accurate and relevant information, both   its business; and
        financial and non-financial as appropriate, obtainable not only   iv.  have a demonstrated ability to think and act strategically
        from the Group’s internal reporting systems but from  external   and independently as well as be able to work constructively
        sources as well, so that informed assessment can be made of   in a collegial environment.
        issues facing the Board.
                                                            In identifying nominees for the position of Director, the
        The Board complies with the Model Code for Securities   Governance and Nomination Committee assesses whether an
        Transaction by Insiders of Listed Companies issued by the   individual meets the characteristics above, any gaps identified
        Trinidad and Tobago Stock Exchange Limited. Strict guidelines   in a skills matrix and also considers the current composition of
        are provided by the Group for the occasions when it may be   the Board in light of the diverse communities and geographies
        perceived that Directors and Officers have special knowledge,   served by the Group.  It is also critical that the Directors must
        and  dealing  in  the  entity’s  shares  during  these  occasions  is   have sufficient time available to devote to the performance of
        prohibited.  The purchase or sale of shares by an insider requires   their Board duties.
        the prior consent of the Corporate Secretary, and transactions
        are tabled for the information of the Board of Directors. All   In composing the Board, the aim is to include highly qualified
        Directors are routinely reminded of their obligations under the   and experienced individuals from diverse backgrounds,
        Code for Dealing in the Republic Financial Holdings Limited   including but not limited to elements of diverse geographic
        Group securities.                                   backgrounds, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-

                                                            economic status, age, physical abilities, and religious beliefs.
        The Board also has a disclosure policy designed to provide
        for accurate, timely and balanced disclosure of all material   The Board of Directors meets at least quarterly, while special
        matters concerning the Group.                       Board meetings are called as the need arises.
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