Page 5 - Frederick School
P. 5

Groton Daily Independent
board at the July 10, 2017 regular meeting.
A new treadmill will be purchased for the Fitness Center. The treadmill being replaced will be subject
to surplus after the new treadmill is installed.
Thank Yous and Congratulations were read and will be posted on the school web site.
Action 16-148 Motion by Hart, second by Ellwein to adjourn into Executive Session at 9:42 pm, pursuant
to SDCL 1-25-2 (1) for personnel matters. All aye, carried.
Exit Janel Wagner, Jeff Kosters and Jessica Ringgenberg.
Chairman Schlosser declared the board out of Executive Session at 10:21 pm.
Action 16-149 Motion by Nickelson, second by Hart to offer an administrative contract to Janel Wagner.
All aye, carried.
Coaching contract offers will be tabled until the July 10, 2017 board meeting.
Action 16-150 Motion by Ellwein, second by Nickelson to adjourn at 10:21 pm. All aye, carried. Chairman
Business Manager
Published once at the total approximate cost of $112.71. 14260

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