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                       China:  Anhui Healing Home and Heartbridge Healing Home
                                                                      <Program Name> News

                                                Ruth came to Anhui Healing Home last fall.  She needed
                                                some extra TLC to help her take in enough nutrients to grow
                                                healthy and strong.  Ruth blossomed in her nannies’ loving
                                                arms, and in just a very short time, she was ready for her lip
                                                repair surgery.  In the past few months since her surgery,
                                                Ruth has become quite a little character, lighting up the room
                                                with her spirited babbling and inquisitive personality.  Her
                                                nannies think that her very first independent steps are just
                                                around the corner!

                                                 Over at Heartbridge, Jerome had us all very worried when
                                                 he arrived last winter weighing only six pounds at four
                                                 months old.  He was struggling to recover from heart
                                                 surgery and persistent gastrointestinal issues.  His tiny body
                                                 was utterly exhausted.  After a few months of special care
                                                 at Heartbridge, Jerome gradually began to show that he
                                                 was starting to feel better.  We noticed that his eyes took on
                                                 a bit of a sparkle!  He started to gain weight, and his
                                                 nannies were thrilled to finally see his first big smiles.  Now,
                                                 as he celebrates his first birthday, Jerome weighs over 16
                                                 pounds, and he’s achieving developmental milestones like
                                                 passing objects from one hand to the other and pushing
                                                 himself up with his arms when he’s on his tummy.  He
                                                 enjoys playtime with his favorite nanny, and he waves his
                                                 arms happily when it’s time for a bottle.  Jerome has come
                                                 so far at Heartbridge! We’re excited to watch him continue
                                                 to blossom.

                                 Thank you for being a part of the stories of hope that are unfolding at
                                 LWB’s healing homes every
                                                                day.  We deeply value your kindness!

                                             Love Without Boundaries

            Confidentiality Notice & Disclaimer: Love Without Boundaries (LWB) uses its best efforts to provide timely and accurate
            information about the children in its care. However, medical, social and developmental information is by its very nature often
            subjective and due to language and culture differences, information can be “lost in translation.” This information is confidential
            and privileged and is not meant to be relied upon for any medical, social or developmental determinations. LWB does not and
            cannot warrant the accuracy of the information above and LWB cannot and does not assume any liability for any actions that
            the reader may take as a result of the information above.
                                  For real time updates, follow us on social media!

             Thank You!                                               “Every Child Counts”
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