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Bridgewater Review

        Volume 37, Number 2  November 2018

        2  Editor’s Notebook                                                  EDITORS
           Ellen Scheible and Norma Anderson                                  Ellen Scheible
                                                                              English & Irish Studies
        4  Nomzamo: Teaching Complexity through the                           Interim, Fall 2018
           Life of Winnie Madikizela-Mandela
           Meghan Healy-Clancy                                                Andrew C. Holman
                                                                              History & Canadian Studies
        10  Social Norms, Gender Roles and Time Use:                          On leave, Fall 2018
           Multigenerational Households in India
           Aseem Hasnain and Abhilasha Srivastava                             ASSOCIATE EDITOR
                                                                              Norma Anderson
        15  Title IX Activists:                                               Sociology
           A First Look at Movement Goals                                     Interim, 2017-18
           Jamie Huff and Sarah Cote Hampson                                  EDITORS EMERITUS
                                                                              Michael Kryzanek
        19  Suspended: The Art of Paul Stopforth
           Jonathan Shirland                                                  Political Science & Global Studies
                                                                              William C. Levin
        25  Something Solid to Rest Upon:                                     Sociology
           Abraham Lincoln’s Interest in Science
           William F. Hanna                                                   Barbara Apstein
        29  Criminal History and Employment:
           Why We Need to Ban the Box!                                        Brian Payne
           Jakari Griffith                                                    History
        31  TEACHING NOTE                                                     Philip McCormick’s Design
           Cultural Immersion and Student Perceptions of Jordan               Works, Inc., North Easton, MA
           Sarah Thomas and Christy Lyons Graham

        35  BOOK REVIEWS
           We Are What We Make, Todd Harris
           Dignity, Justice and Real Achievement, Jeanne Ingle
           The One True Universal, Norma Anderson

                                                                              On the Front Cover: Winnie Mandela in
                                                                              New York City, June 20, 1990 (Photo Credit:
                                                                              Luc Novovitch / Alamy Stock Photo).

           Bridgewater Review is published twice a year by the faculty and librarians of Bridgewater State University. Opinions expressed herein are those of
           the authors and do not necessarily reflect the policies of Bridgewater Review or Bridgewater State University.

           Letters to the Editor are encouraged and should be sent to: Editor, Bridgewater Review,
           Articles may be reprinted with permission of the Editor.        ©2018, Bridgewater State University        ISBN 0892-7634

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