Page 11 - The Bridge Vol 17_pgs
P. 11

VOLume 17

                         Art  Children                          10     skaket sunset                  54
                                                                       Arthur Kopellas
                            Pierre Dumoulin-Minguet
                            SunS seen through my eyes
                                                                       holy book (cheese book)
                            Emily Outerbridge
                                                                       Tuveya Kirnon-Davis
                            Golden blanket
                                                                       Mei Fung Elizabeth Chan
                            Sierra Yard                         20     Reincarnation                  60
                            Regeneration                         21    man of war                     62
                            Mei Fung Elizabeth Chan                    Katie Sheehan
                            Paz e tranquilidade                 23     LAST BREATH and                66
                            Nicol Da Silva                             she bites                      67
                            The Butterfly Lands                 24     Dave Mahler
                            Lindsey MacMurdo                           Grasp                          69
                            Felicidade and                      28     Kayla Rose
                            Tristeza                            29     abandoned                      70
                            Nicol Da Silva                             Kris Spooner
                            Ode to Vagina                        31    m!nd fuckt                     72
                            Camille San Gabriel                        Tuveya Kirnon-Davis
                            Ominous Girl                        37     loading...                     74
                            Cassandra Domeij                           Calvin Bridges IV
                            local anesthesia                    38     itextalot                      75
                            Mei Fung Elizabeth Chan                    Samantha Silvia
                            Golden sea                          41     twisty the clown               76
                            Sierra Yard                                Bao Huynh
                            Shy Skyla                           42     plymouth                       79
                            Sierra Yard                                Leah Lewandowski
                            Anxiety illustrated by Moths        44     torn perspective               80
                            Hannah Gluchacki                           Natalie Sorrenti
                            Beauty in a  NEw England winter     48     comfort                        84
                            Kayla Rose                                 Abbey Marceau
                            self portrait                       50     simply home                    87
                            Camille San Gabriel                        Nicole Seeley
                            Madonna and child                   53     a drop                         88
                            Camille San Gabriel                        Ginnelle Foster
                                                                       spinal stretch                 89
                                                                       Miranda Moscatelli
                                                                       encrusted (skull)               91
                                                                       Ginnelle Foster
                                                                       overlooked                     98
                                                                       Tiffany MacLean
                                                                       embrace                        100
                                                                       Jenna Morris


               almost                     26
               Shayla Hinds               56
 Table of contents
               Caitlin Faria
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