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 Creamy white chocolate

 2 cups (200g) of white chocolate pastilles (or chopped)
 2/3 cup (150ml) 35% cream
 1 cup (250ml) of plain 10% yogurt (Mediterranean style)

 • Deposit white chocolate in a bowl, reserve.
 •  In a pot bring the cream to a boil, remove and pour over the chocolate.
 •  Let it rest for 30 seconds and emulsify with a whip.
 • Add yogurt and mix well.
 •  Cover with plastic wrap (saranwrap) and refrigerate for at least 8 hours.

 Lemon Granita
 500 ml water      Freshly squeezed juice of 4 lemons
 Zest of one lemon      250 ml of sugar
 1.  In a pot, bring water, zest and sugar to a boil for 15 minutes.
 2. Remove zest and let cool.
 3.  Incorporate lemon juice and transfer in a shallow metal container. Refrigerate for a minimum of 4 hours and mix well now and then.

 Cashew crumble
 50gr of softened non salted butter   50 gr of sugar
 50g of flour         50g of crushed cashews
 In a culinary robot, mix well all ingredients. Pre-heat the oven at 350F, spread the preparation over a baking sheet
 and greaseproof paper and cook for 10-15 minutes and mix 2 to 3 times during the baking. Let cool.

 Strawberries and basil salad
 1 basket of fresh strawberries from Quebec
 4 basil leaves
 50g of plain simple syrup
 • Chop the strawberries and basil and mix with the syrup.

 Recipe created by: Chef Marc-André Jetté
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