Page 15 - DBMS Vs RDBMS (1)
P. 15


                                    DBMS                                                      RDBMS

           Introduced in 1960’s                                                  Introduced in 1970’s.

           Followed Navigational DBMS                                            Relationship between table

               for storage.                                                       using keys,indexes.

           Data fetching is slower for complex                                   Faster because of its relational and
               large amount of data.                                              Model.

           Used for applications using small                                     Used for Complex and large

               amount of data.                                                    Amount of data.

           Data redundancy common                                                Keys and Indexes are used in the

                in this model.                                                     tables to avoid redundancy.

           Examples : dBase,Microsoft Access,                                    Examples:  SQL

               LibreOffice Base,FoxPro.                                           Server,Oracle,MySQL,

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