Page 19 - KUOMagazine January/February 2020 Featuring Sandi Morais
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KUOMagazine’s G.L.O.W.— #HeartDiseaseAwareness
By Muriel Bassainthe
In this month G.L.O.W. It is necessary to choose a healthy diet
(Greater Level of Wellness), we in order to live a long life. Overall, the
bring awareness to Heart disease importance of being heart healthy
(FEBRUARY), describes a cannot be stressed enough. Your health
range of conditions that affect is your wealth so treasure it. Be the one
your heart. Diseases that fall to lead by example in your family by
under heart disease is coronary eating right, exercising, taking your
artery disease, blood vessel medications, seeing your physician on a
diseases, heart rhythm issues, regular basis and making healthier
heart defects, congenital choices all the time.
heart defects, among others. We
remember smelling dinner while SIGNS OF STROKE:
walking home from school. We BE-FAST indicates Balance, Eyes,
always had a nice meal that was Face, Arm, Speech, Time. It is an
cooked with love. acronym used as a mnemonic to help
detect and enhance responsiveness to the
Unfortunately, as a child we did needs of a person having a stroke. The
not realize that what we were acronym stands for Facial drooping,
eating was not always healthy. Arm weakness, Speech difficulties and
Coming from a Caribbean back- Time to call emergency services.
ground means indulging in fatty,
salty, refined carbs and fried B - is for Balance: Does the person have
food. In our family there is high sudden loss of balance?
blood pressure, diabetes and E - is for Eye: Has the person lost vision
high cholesterol. Our father had in one or both eyes?
a heart attack and our mother F - is for Face: Does the person’s face
had a stroke, which we feel was look uneven?
contributed from improper A - Arms: Is one arm hanging down?
eating, lack of education and S - Speech: Is the person’s speech
immobility. I am sure there were slurred or have trouble speaking and
many warning signs which were seem confused?
ignored. With proper education T - Time: If they are experiencing these
and lifestyle changes heart symptoms, then it’s time to call 911.
disease can be avoided.
For info on Heart Disease, please visit
the American Heart Association at
More women than men die every year from heart disease. Cardio-
vascular symptoms may be different for men and women. You can
experience symptoms such as chest pain, chest tightness, chest Written by Muriel Bassainthe
pressure and chest discomfort such as shortness of breath, nausea KUOMagazine’s #G.L.O.W. Journalist
and extreme fatigue. Some environmental factors that can Facebook: @murielbissainthe
contribute to heart disease are tobacco use, physical inactivity, poor Instagram: @onlymuriel
diet and obesity. Some foods that are bad for your heart and may Instagram: @candid_conversations
lead to heart failure are bacon, red meat, soda, cookies, cakes,
muffins, processed meats, white rice, breads, pasta, alcohol, and
butter to name a few. Eight foods that can cleanse your arteries are Photo Credit:
asparagus, avocado, garlic, leafy green vegetables, green tea, WebMD, & Candid
flaxseeds, almonds and walnuts.
Conversations 19 January / February 2020