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(Students from Mwalimu Nyerere Memorial Academy-Zanzibar
About the Event:
Y.E.L.E – 18 (Workshop) Youth Event on Leadership and Entrepreneurship-
2018 (Y.E.L.E-18) Programme is a Youth Platform
An interactive intense discussion on Leadership and that encourages University and Higher Learning
Entrepreneurship that will be facilitated by renowed Students to embrace creative and innovative ideas
entrepreneurs from Zanzibar and it will take place to and solutions to current and future business
more than 10 Universities/Colleges in Zanzibar. practices through the transfer of knowledge and
continuing education that will redound to the
promotion of positive attitudes and abilities which
leads to development of new partnerships where
young people are incorporated as part of the solution.
Development Partners: Join us an hour before the
main event on a Group photo to our event VIP Green
Carpet featuring an exclusive interview with our Media
Partners who won’t be available on evening sessions.
MAKE A DIFFERENCE…………….And Have Fun Doing It!!