Page 3 - 2024 Holiday Shades of Color Catalog
P. 3

Kwanzaa Card Assortments                                                             Holiday Cards
                   Size: 5 x 6.75 • 3 Designs per box 5 of each design • 15 Cards per box       Size: 5 x 6.75 • 15 Cards per box • Most Cards Include Silver or Gold Foil
                           Colored Envelopes included • Retail Price $10                      Embossed Embellishments • Colored Envelopes included • Retail Price $10

                                     new ASX193

                                                                                        2024                                  2024
                                                                                        new                                   new
                                                                                          X24-198   Front Text: The Glow of     X24-199   Front Text: Angel of Love &
                                                                                          Christmas Inside Text: Our Christmas tree,   Light Inside Text: May the angels bring you
                                                                                          how lovely and bright, With ornaments and   peace and joy this Christmas season. Wishing
                                                                                          tinsel shining just right. A symbol of hope and   you and your loved ones a Blessed Holiday filled
                                      Holiday Cards                                       joy for all to see, May this holiday season be   with Love and Light.
                                                                                          merry as can be. Sending warm wishes and
                                                                                          love your way, Merry Christmas to you, on this
                  Size: 5 x 6.75 • 15 Cards per box • Most Cards Include Silver or Gold Foil   special day.
                Embossed Embellishments • Colored Envelopes included • Retail Price $10

      Holiday Cards                                                                                                                                                  Holiday Cards

          2024                                 2024                                                                           2024
          new                                  new
                                                                                        2024                                    X24-201   Front Text: BeBlessed
            X24-194   Front Text: The Birth of Our   X24-195   Front Text: A Mother's Love   new                                Inside Text: Blessings & Light come from
            King! Inside Text: May we reflect on the   Fit For A King Inside Text: This season we                               above, May the spirit of Christmas fill our hearts
            true meaning of this joyous holiday. That   celebrate the Love of mothers everywhere, and   X24-200   Front Text: Slay all Day!  with LOVE. Let us show kindness towards one
            special Holy Night reminds us of the humble   we honor the Love that Mary had for her son,   Inside Text: Havea Faaabulous Holiday!  another, Show how to be there, Let us seek
            beginnings of Jesus Christ. This miraculous   Jesus. Her example reminds us of the power                            out those in need, Show them we care. May
            event brought Hope and Light to the world,   of a Mother’s Love, and the importance of                              you and your loved ones be blessed, now and
            and continues to inspire us to spread our Lord’s   cherishing and nurturing our own families.                       always. Merry Christmas!
            Love. Merry Christmas in His Holy name!  This Christmas, may we honor the Love of all
                                                 mothers, past and present. Merry Christmas
                                                 With Love

          2024                                  2024
          new                                                                                                                 2024
                                                 X24-197                                                                      new
            X24-196   Front Text: Guided By The Light   Front Text:
            of the Angels Inside Text: May the spirit of this   Holiday Joy               X24-202   Front Text: Dance In The Spirit   X24-203   Front Text: Fill Your Heart with
            holiday season bring you Guidance, Peace, and   Inside Text:Christmas is a season of   Of Unity Inside Text: Spread Love, Kindness,   Warmth & Joy Inside Text: May the spirit of
            Hope. As we celebrate the birth of Christ, let us   Enchantment, Joy, Wonder and Awe! May this   and Joy to those around us. May this season   Christmas fill your heart with warmth and
            also remember the angels who announced His   time of year fill your heart with special moments   bring us all closer as we dance together in the   joy, and may the memories of your childhood
            arrival to the world. They brought good news   that carry you into the New Year with a child-like   Spirit of Unity and enjoy warmth, good food,   Christmases stay with you always. Merry
            of greatjoy, just as I hope this brings joy to you   wonder & the magic of the holidays.  and laughter! Happy Holidays To You and Your   Christmas!
            and your family. Merry Christmas                                              Loved Ones
    4                                            Merry Christmas                                                                                                      5
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