Page 4 - Space 2 hour
P. 4

d) “I am going to turn into the alien every time the music stops.”
e) Give each child a space rock.
f) Play the track. This is your favourite song and so you start doing extremely silly alien
dancing (this should make the children laugh). The children march around the room and
shake their space rocks.
g) You start to hear the space rocks and so you stop the music. The children freeze so you
can’t hear them. You get grumpy because you can’t see or hear anything. You realise it
must be your old age and so play your favourite song again.
h) Repeat several times until you confess that the astronauts have beaten you and
delivered the space rocks to the Space Ship. You cry and say “I want my mummy!”
i) Walk away and when you turn back you are no longer the alien. Tell the children that you’ve turned back into Your Name Sparkles the Astronaut. Congratulate them and
tell them you will give them their Haribo prize before you go home.
NB: If the children are mostly three then you may need to simplify by taking away the story and making it a simple game of musical statues with egg shakers where nobody gets out.
9. ACTION SONG OR POEM: ‘Zoom, Zoom, Zoom’ by Traditional
Reveal rocket laminate. “We’re going to use our hands to make our own rocket ship now.”
Sing the song acapella as you do the actions. The children hold the palms of their hands together to make a rocket ship and move them from side to side to the pulse for the first four lines. They walk the fingers of one hand up the arm of the other hand for 'If you want to take a trip, climb aboard my rocket ship'. They put their hands together to make a rocket ship again for the last two lines before the count down. They hold up the fingers on one hand and hide them away one at a time as they count down. They jump up as high as they can for 'BLAST OFF!' You can watch the actions in the video here:
Perform the song three times. First in a normal rocket ship, then in an old, slow rocket ship and then in a super fast rocket ship!
Zoom, zoom, zoom,
We’re going to the moon.
Zoom, zoom, zoom,
We’ll be there very soon.
If you’d like to take a trip,
Climb aboard my rocket ship.
Zoom, zoom, zoom,
We’re going to the moon.
(spoken) In 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 BLAST OFF!
Ask the children if they know a game called ‘Grandma’s Footsteps’. Tell them they’re going to play a game just like it called ‘Astronaut’s Footsteps’. Tell them to stand in a line against the wall at the back of the room. You stand roughly five meters in front of them and place the astronaut soft toy on the floor just in front of you. Tell the children that if one of them can take the astronaut soft toy while you’re not looking then they will all have beaten you to become the winners! When you turn your back the children must walk towards you in slow motion like a real astronaut on the moon (demonstrate walking in slow motion as you say this) as quietly as they can but when you turn to face them they must freeze! If you see them moving they must go back to the wall and start again. The game ends when one of the children manages to take the astronaut soft toy whilst your back is turned. When you face the children and see that it has been taken, give them all a round of applause and congratulate them all on beating you. It’s important that they feel like it’s you against all of them (and not them playing against each other). You can play the game as many or as few times as required by your party timings.
NB: Don’t worry if the children start laughing/cheat- they always do!
“Does anyone know the name of the creatures that live in outer space? That’s right they’re called aliens! Now we’re going to play every alien’s favourite game!” Get out the parachute and tell the children to hold on to the edges and lie, eyes closed, with their feet underneath it, as if they are all tucked up in bed! Tell them that you are going to creep around the edge of
the parachute and tap one of the children on the head. If you tap them on the head then
they are Alien Tickle and Alien Tickle’s job is to invite all the children to the alien party!
© 2017 Lucy Sparkles LTD

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