Page 3 - Term One Song Bank
P. 3

 Lucy Sparkles & Friends: Term One Song Bank Welcome and goodbye
   Activities for Babies
   Activities for Toddlers
     Activities for Pre-schoolers
      Starting pitch
     Hello, Hello
    Toddlers and Pre-schoolers:
Hello, hello,
Hello, hello,
Hello, hello.
It's music time.
Children say hello (hello) x 3 It's music time.
Grown ups say hello (hello) x 3 It's music time.
Alex say hello (hello) x 3 It's music time.
First verse and last verses are the same as above.
Babies wave hello (adults help the babies to wave)...
Grown ups wave hello (hello)...
    1. Sing the first verse acapella and wave to the babies, alternating which hand you wave every four beats (every time you say a new 'hello').
2. Sing 'Babies wave hello' and the adults encourage the children to wave during the rests at the end of the first three lines. You may need to pause briefly at the end of each line to encourage them.
3. Sing 'Grown ups wave hello' and the ELC staff/parents wave and say 'hello' during the rests at the end of each line.
4. Sing to individual babies (e.g. ‘Alex wave hello’), encouraging them to wave during the rests at the end of each line. You will not have time to do this every week. If the group is large, choose one or two different children each time. Do not do this activity if you are doing a name game in the same lesson. Do not do this activity in the first two weeks.
5. Once the adults and babies are familiar with the song and its structure, accompany the singing with your melodic instrument. Do not do this activity in the first two weeks.
   1. Same as for babies
2. Sing 'Children say hello' and the children hold their hands to sides of their mouths to make shouting action and say 'hello' during the rests at the end of the first three lines.
3. Sing 'Grown ups say hello' and the adults/staff hold their hands to sides of their mouths to make shouting action and say 'hello' during the rests at the end of the first three lines.
4. Sing to individual children, using their names, and they wave (and say ‘hello’ if possible) during the rests. You may need to pause to give the child a chance to react. Don't worry if they don't. It's still nice for them to have you sing a verse about them. You will not have time to do this every week. If the group is large, choose one or two different children each time. Don’t do this activity if you are doing a name game in the same lesson. Do not do this activity in the first two weeks.
5. Same as for babies
   All activities are the same as for toddlers only the pre-schoolers will be able to say 'hello' and wave individually much more quickly and confidently.
    F sharp
    melodic instrument
   © 2021 Lucy Sparkles LTD

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