Page 5 - Term One Song Bank
P. 5

 Lucy Sparkles & Friends: Term One Song Bank Name, pitch matching and puppet games
    Activities for Babies
    Activities for Toddlers
      Activities for Pre-schoolers
   Starting pitch
       Hello Everyone
Hello everyone
Hello Lucy Sparkles
Hello everyone
Hello Birdie
Hello everyone
Hello Teddy
   1. You sing 'hello children' and the children sing 'hello Your Name back'
2. Sing hello to one or two individuals. E.g. 'Hello Alex'. Alex sings 'hello Your Name' solo in response.
3. Introduce your birdie puppet. Tell the children that Birdie is going to sing 'hello' to them and that they must sing 'hello Birdie' back, copying Birdie's voice. Hold your birdie puppet up high as you sing 'hello everyone' (high C pitch). The children respond at the same pitch singing 'hello Birdie'. Encourage any adults in the room to help the children to sing in tune. Do the same with your big teddy only you hold him/her down low and sing down the octave (low C pitch).
4. Sing ‘hello’ as Birdie or Teddy to individual children who then sing ‘hello’ to the puppets on their own.
5. Hide the puppets behind your back and the children must guess which puppet is singing by the sound of your voice. They demonstrate their answer by singing back to the correct puppet. Ask the children how they knew which puppet was singing. Explain to them that we can tell because Birdie sings at a “high pitch” and Teddy sings at a “low pitch”.
6. Same as activity 5. only you sing to individuals. Ask them again how they know which puppet is singing.
7. Choose an individual to sing ‘hello’ to the class using the puppets. Before they begin, remind them that if they are being Birdie they need to sing at “high pitch” and if they are being Teddy they need to sing at a “low pitch”.
     G as yourself, C as birdie or teddy
    bird finger puppet & big teddy
    © 2021 Lucy Sparkles LTD

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