Page 5 - ICORP Tri-fold Brochure A4 260319 Interactive_Neat
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What your investment will buy.
Our projects can not develop
without donations. Each & every $
is spent in the following way DONATIONS
• Diesel to keep vehicles mobile NEEDED
• Food and rations for the teams to maintain their Establishing a
stamina and focus Establishing a
Dedicated African
Protecting Africa’s rhinos from around the world Dedicated African
• To replace batteries used in very important
Wildlife Preserve
tactical gear PROJECT DETAILS Wildlife Preserve
• Training
Founded by South African national Marc McDonald, the
• Medical supplies International Coalition of Rhino Protection (ICORP) is an
• Procurement of new and updated gear water organization dedicated to ensuring that the flora and fauna
treatment, camel packs and LED lights. of Africa are preserved and protected for future generations
to enjoy.
• Uniforms
• Radio systems maintenance and license fees The committed team, composed of members from around
the world, has two primary missions: to safeguard wildlife at
• New tents and outdoor equipment
assigned sanctuaries and to raise awareness and educate the
Your support is crucial to the direct protection of public about the challenges facing Africa’s natural heritage.
In partnership with the Terra Conservation Initiative, ICORP
operates a well-trained and equipped Counter-Poaching Unit
at a designated South African wildlife Reserve. ICORP’s team
is in the field every day of the year, securing and protecting
African wildlife from those who seek to do them harm.
Innovative protection strategies, industry best practices, and
strategic planning with Reserve management protect and
ensure the survival of this critical wildlife population. In the
coming years, ICORP aims to establish its own autonomous,
sustainable wildlife preserve in the region.
Please have a look at our website for options
to invest in wildlife