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[Descriptor] Document title Date/year [Labelling] Section title
 Dear readers, in this issue we are presenting to you the results of EATA activities during the winter season. Winter was not mild and cozy for Europe this year. On the contrary! Nevertheless, it has not impacted the pro- ductivity of our members.
First, we will start from PTSC report that cov- ers the important news on exam regulation and protocols that are the prerequisite for positive exams results. Then, we are sharing with you the good news on improved scientif- ic status for TAJ. Further on, in this issue you will learn about the local and regional events and initiative with many interesting
encounters at places never before visited by EATA. Robin Hobbes will introduce you to the concept of Social Imaginary, applied to ethical decision making.
Before we close the issue and celebrate the exam results (in words and photos) at the Exam Corner column, please read intriguing story from transactional analysis practice written by col- leagues, Bulhakova, Isaieva and Sevalneva. Our next event of high significance for TA community will be the EATA Conference in Ukraine. See you in Cherkassy in July!
Warm greetings,
Kristina Brajovic - Car Editorr
 EATA Newsletter No 124
February 2019

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