Page 11 - Brand_Basics_Logo_International.indd
P. 11

1.1-11 RULES



          ORIENTATION                                          MINIMUM SIZE                                 SPATIAL RELATIONSHIP

         The tile logo must always                The minimum logo size for printed materials is    The tile logo should always have a safe area
appear at a 45° angle to the right. It will       .5" along the top-left side. The minimum size      around it at least 100% the diameter of the
never be straight vertical or horizontal.          for specialty items (pens, pencils, pins, etc.)  white dot, or “pip,” in the logo. This gives our
                                                   will be determined on a case-by-case basis.      logos room to breathe and helps them stand
                                                                                                     out. No elements may be positioned within

                                                                                                                    this protected zone.
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