Page 20 - B Corp Impact Report_FINAL 2024 02 28 SINGLE_Neat
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Our approach in action

   Sale West Masterplan: Social Value Plan

   Sale  West  is  a  43ha  housing  estate,  which  we       Other initiatives we have been involved with include
   have  developed  transformational  masterplan  and         gifting  Easter  Eggs  to  a  local  Special  School,  the
   architectural proposals for. Over the next decade, 263     donation of  decommissioned laptops  to  a  the  local
   new homes and a range of estate improvements will          Community Centre and supporting the Our Sale West
   be delivered for the benefit of the community.             Climate Crisis March with local schools and colleges.

   We have a comprehensive social value plan in place         The success of our own and our partner’s social value
   which  includes  the  three  year  “adoption”  of Ashton   activities has led to the projects being nominated and
   on  Mersey  School  under  the  ‘Class  Of  your  Own’     winning a number of awards, including:
   (COYO) programme. We are using COYO’s ‘Design
   Engineer  Construct!’  training  initiative  to  inspire      + Regeneration of the Year (Northern Housing
   local children to discover unique pathways into the           Awards), Winner
   construction industry. We have established an after-          + Neighbourhood Transformation Award
   school  architecture  club,  led  site  visits  across  the   (Affordable Housing Awards), Finalist
   estate and hosted a number of candidate in our office         + Social Impact Award (Insider NW Residential
   for work experience.                                          Property Awards), Finalist

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