Page 2 - Lilla Rose Catalog 2017
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feelings because I felt like someday I   other hair goodies, you will find
                                                                                      would ultimately succeed even after   we aren’t like other companies.
                                                                                      financially crashing. With a curious   We offer unique items and our
                                                                                      sense of confidence, I decided to do   own twist on familiar products.
                                                                                      whatever I needed to keep me in the   We take chances with our
                                                                                      entrepreneurial game. Waiter, phone   designs. Such as offering a Flexi-
                                                                                      book delivery guy, sign installer,   of-the-Month, which guarantees
                                                                                      salesman, limo driver-you name it, I   new and diverse designs every
                                                                                      did it. But we never gave up on our   single month. Also, we hope
                                                                                      dream or each other, and I want to   you will be enticed with our
                                                                                      thank you for rewarding us for the   multitude of limited new design
                                                                                      risks we took.                       releases.

                                                                                      Fast forward to today. This inspiring
                                                                                      company, Lilla Rose, has created     Lilla Rose…
                                                                                      an amazing life for Missy and me.
                                                                                      We are thrilled you have opened      We Style
       Welcome to Lilla                     How a guy built a women’s                 these pages to take a look. We       Differently
                                            accessory company is a 25-year
         Rose. My name                      journey that would require a              hope you will enjoy the amazing
                                                                                      hair care solutions and share with
           is John Dorsey                   lot of reading. Suffice to say my         those you know. By shopping our
                                            wife, Missy and I have always
                                                                                      catalog and maybe imagining how
          and yes, I am a                   seen life as an adventure filled          our Haircessories would look and
                                            with risk and reward.
                                                                                      feel in your hair, we feel a sense of
          guy and own a                     Over the years, Missy and I               overwhelming gratitude. Also for

           Hair Accessory                   have taken lots of risks. Were            those of you that are here to consider
                                                                                      the possibility of bringing extra
                                            we always rewarded? Uh, no…
                  company.                  we succeeded mildly and failed            income into your family’s coffers by
                                                                                      becoming a Lilla Rose Stylist, we are
                                            spectacularly. Some of the
                                            most difficult moments in our             thankful that you would honor us with
                                            lives were tied to the implosion          the possibility of serving you.
                                            of our original hair accessory            This catalog is also a product of
                                            company. It was the death of a            our risk taking and commitment to
                                            dream and the destruction of              you. From our flagship solution for
                                            our hope for a better life. I felt        everyday hair management - the Flexi
                                            disappointed, though I made               Clip, to our unique lines - You-Pins,
                                            a choice not to trust those               Hairsticks, Adjustable Hairbands and

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