Page 95 - RMBA Upper School Haggadah 2018
P. 95

As a result of the this argument, the ques on of “‫לא תתגודדו‬,” of whether it is problema c to
have some people wearing Tefillin and some not in one Shul, arises. This is par cularly
problema c in modern America where many people with many different ancestries have met
together and o en daven side by side in one Shul. Some, such as the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch,
condone Shuls in which some wear Tefillin and some do not, while others, such as the Shu”t
Chayei Aryeh, allow different minhagim to be prac ced in one's Shul, and hold that there is no
viola on of “‫לא תתגודדו‬,” if those who wear Tefillin do not say the bracha on Tefillin at all, or say
the bracha quietly. Each person has their own customs, but most people do not wear Tefillin on
Chol HaMoed.

                    Pesach Recipes

Passover Recipes - Matthew Juarez (8th Grade)
Passover starts on the fi eenth day of Nissan, and it lasts seven days ending on the 21st of
Nissan. Passover is when we celebrate being freed from slavery in Egypt. We clean and get rid of
all chametz and keeping the house clean of chametz for 7 days. It may be hard to last 7 days
without bread or chametz but luckily you can try these two recipes I have star ng you off with a
main course and dessert. Why is chametz not allowed during pesach? Any leavened or food
mixed with leaven is not allowed to be eaten on Passover because it is like we are leaving Egypt
again without any me to have leavened bread.
Garlic Salmon
Ingredients - 1 ½ pound salmon filet, 5 slices of lemon, salt and pepper, 5 sprigs of dill weed, 2
chopped green onions, 3 minced garlic cloves, aluminium foil, and 1 sprig fresh dill chopped.
Instruc ons - preheat oven to 450 degrees, spray two pieces of aluminium foil with cooking
spray, place the salmon on the aluminium foil sprinkle salmon with salt pepper garlic and
chopped dill,put lemon slices on the filet and a piece of sprig dill on it sprinkle it with chopped
scallions, cover salmon with the aluminium foil and seal then put into larger baking dish bake in
the oven for 20-25 minutes or un l however long you may like it.
Flourless Chocolate Cake
Ingredients - ½ cup of water, 1 ounce of bi ersweet chocolate, ¼ teaspoon of salt, 1 cup
unsalted bu er or margarine, ¾ cup of white sugar, and 6 eggs
Instruc ons - preheat oven to 300 degrees, grease a 10 inch round cake pan in small saucepan
mix water salt and sugar on medium heat, melt the chocolate cut bu er into pieces and start to
mix it in with the chocolate add the water sugar salt mix into the chocolate bu er mix add eggs
one at a me and keep s rring pour the ba er into the cake pan and then get another larger
cake pan put the cake pan with the ba er in it and fill the larger cake pan with the boiling water
along the sides of the other cake pan bake the cake and water bath in the oven on 300 degrees

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