Page 7 - Peter Owen - Knots
P. 7
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A knot is simply a cDlmeclion in a thread, cord or length
of rope formed either by pnssing one free end - known as a
working end - through a loop and drawing it tight or by
intertwining or tying together pieces of thread, cord or
rope. However, there are several quite distinct groups of
knot - hitches and bends, binding knots, stopper knots,
knots that form nooses or loops QlId knots that join small
lines together. Each knot serves a different purpose, and
although it is not necessary to know a large number of
different knots - four or five should suffice in most
circumstances - it is important to know which blOt is
best suited to the conditions in which it is to be used.
You should also bear in mind thai any knot, no matter
how carefully and securely tied, will reduce the breaking
sirain of a line by between 5 and 20 percent. Just before it
breaks, a knot slips. The more tightly you can draw a
knot when you are tying it, the greater the strain it will
withstal1d before it slips.
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