Page 5 - Buyers Guide - Tiled Conservatory roofs November 2018.cdr
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    Many conservatories are now reaching the end of their natural life
    or are costing substantially more to heat than previously. Homeowners are looking for a cost effective
    way of retaining existing floor space whilst improving the energy efficiency of the structure.

    To meet this need homeowners are choosing to replace obsolete translucent roofs with solid ones. This
    guidance has been produced to advise and inform suppliers, builders, architects and design
    consultants on the Building Regulations that will apply to the replacement of a translucent roof to a
    conservatory or porch with a solid roof.

    The preferred option for many homeowners is a lightweight composite solid roof. Some roofs have
    a LABC Registered Detail that provides an approved design, quality control and accredited installation.
    Other options may simply underdraw or overclad existing polycarbonate roofs. Or replace the existing
    roof with a traditional tiled roof that may not have taken into account the adequacy of the existing
    structure to carry increased loading.

   Did you know?                                        Potential  pitfalls
   New conservatories and porches less                  There are several methods of reroofing an existing structure
   than 30m2 in floor area and thermally                 on the market - the easiest and often cheapest way is
   separated from the main house with                   simply to wrap a new roof over and under the existing
   external quality doors and windows are               roofing system. However, this method is the most likely to
   exempt from the requirements of the                  overstress the existing roof and wall structure and great
   Building Regulations 2010 (as amended).              care is needed.

   However if you are planning to reroof an             If you are offered this solution, you should ensure the
   existing conservatory with a solid roof              company quoting to do the work can evidence the stability
   rather than a translucent roof, then a               of the structure with the increased loading and satisfy
   Building Regulation Application is required.         both you and your local authority building control team
   This is because conservatories and                   of its adequacy. If the roof is an existing polycarbonate
   porches are traditionally lightweight in             roof it is very unlikely that this method can be done safely
   nature and not generally designed to                 and you should not commit to any expense until you are
   carry the weight of a solid roof. Therefore,         satisfied that it has been shown to be effective. There is
   there is a real possibility of movement or           also potential to introduce a condensation problem that
   even collapse and the application is needed          will inevitably occur if plasterboard is applied to the
   to ensure that this will not occur.                  underside of the existing roof with little or no
                                                        insulation above it.
   Registered Detail certification
                                                        Other methods require removal of the existing roof and
   LABC offers Registered Detail certification to
   companies that undertake this type of project.       replacing it with a new roof that is supported by a
   For those operating nationally, a partner            reinforced eaves beam. This transfers the additional
   scheme also allows installers to submit              weight either through vertical supports within the existing
   applications on your behalf and ensure               windows or by new columns introduced either inside or
                                                        outside of the structure. It is important to ensure that
   certification is provided to you at completion
   of the project.                                      existing foundations can carry this weight so a trial hole
                                                        is also needed to check adequacy.
   Not only is each application checked for
   structural analysis and thermal compliance           Salesmen visiting your property to quote for the work
                                                        should be able to reassure you that they can provide
   of the new structure, local authority surveyors
   will visit your site to ensure the work is           you with this end-to-end certified service. If they can’t
   installed properly and in compliance with            then you need to check further, otherwise you may be
   the Building Regulations to provide you with         left with something that could become a real danger when
   complete confidence in the work. Details of           snow and wind loads are applied to a structure incapable
                                                        of carrying the additional weight.
   companies holding Registered Detail
   certification can be found at or b
   asking your local authority building control team.                             source: LABC VIEWPOINT
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