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90   Biotechnology | Progress Report

               Pituitary Hormones                             “industrial decision”, that unfortunately is

                                                              frequently independent from the research-
               The research and production activities related   es. However, an important research line has
               to the five human pituitary hormones, name-    being carried out developing alternative ex
               ly growth hormone (hGH), prolactin (hPRL),     vivo and in vivo Gene Therapy strategies for
               thyrotropin (hTSH), follitropin (hFSH) and     phenotypic correction of dwarfism, using the
               luteotropin (hLH), still constitute the basic   human (hGH) and the mouse (mGH) genes. In
               working field of the group. Our goal is the    these studies, two animal models available
               development of applied research, especially    at our animal facility, the immunocompetent
               emphasizing the interaction between the        dwarf (lit/lit) and the immunodeficient dwarf
               Academic and the Industrial worlds, an aspect   (lit/scid) mice, are employed. The goal of this
               that has been neglected for so long in Brazil.   approach is the development of an animal
               Under this aspect, a partnership with the      model, based on these dwarf mice, in which it
               company Biosynthesis has been started in       can be possible to obtain useful and sustained
               that period generating an important project    circulatory levels of growth hormone with
               PIPE-FAPESP. We continued our main collabo-    phenotypic corrections, such as body weight
               rations with the Aarhus University (Denmark)   gain and longitudinal growth. Our researches
               and with clinicians from FMUSP, especially     are thus moving closer to pre-clinical testing.
               in the field of Gene Therapy, with the groups   More recently, the efforts were concentrated
               of Genetic Ichthyology and the Faculty of      on the use of an in vivo system based on
               Pharmaceutical Sciences of USP for the pur-    naked hGH DNA administration followed by
               pose of cloning Arapaima gigas (Pirarucu)      electroporation in the quadriceps muscle of
               gonadotropins, and with the Department of      lit/scid mice. In a previous work, we related
               Physiology and Biophysics of the Institute     a sustained secretion of hGH during a 60-
               of Biomedical Sciences (ICB/USP) for studies   day assay together with a highly significant
               related to prolactin and growth hormone.       increase in the body weight of these animals.
               As always, the main emphasis of the group      In this period, we also developed a novel ho-
               has been given to scientific production and    mologous model, in which the mGH gene
               to collaboration with well-known national      was electrotransfered to the immunocompe-
               and international research groups. Thus, in    tent mice (lit/lit), a condition more similar to
               this 3-year period, 16 scientific papers have   that of GH-deficient children (Cecchi CR et al.,
               been published all in international journal    2014). The results of this work also confirmed
               whose impact factor was always between 1       the feasibility of the proposed treatment, both
               and 6.4, and 2 Meeting Abstracts published     in terms of higher circulatory levels of the
               in journals of high impact.                    main effector of GH, the insulin-like growth
                                                              factor I (IGF-I), and the absence of anti-GH
               Human growth                                   antibody formation. In a recent work (Higu-
               hormone (hGH)                                  ti E et al., 2016), we set up a more effective
                                                              pre-clinical assay in pubertal dwarf (lit/scid)
                                                              mice treating 40-day old animals injected
               Human  growth  hormone  (hGH)  produc-         with hGH-DNA into the non-exposed tibialis
               tion and quality control has been already      cranialis muscle, via a less invasive approach.
               established at the laboratory level and, as    This treatment provided, for the first time,
               stated several times, is only waiting for the   IGF-I concentrations at the same level as co-

                         Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares
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