Page 6 - Panashe_G
P. 6
Project 2
The description for this particular assessment focuses on Anthropology ,which refers to the
study of humans .In groups of three ,students are expected to become anthropologists of some
sort for a time period of 8 weeks .In these 8 weeks they will explore and find out new information
about the area in which they inhabit(CAPETOWN).The challenge given is to visit and find out
more about the intrinsically striking areas around them that all the group members are unfamiliar
with .In regards to the chosen areas, students must familiarize themselves with certain aspects
.Some things to be put into consideration according to the assessment brief are architecture
,culture and idiosyncrasies .They need to be able to relate these to the communities that they
decide to work on .Another important factor is to observe who occupies the space and if there is
any significant reason why the people stay in that certain area. Once again as mentioned by
the brief, the thematic domains are society, narrative, culture and language.
For this brief our group went to District 6 just to observe what happens there as well as pick up
some litter as an intervention. We took pictures of buildings as well as people with their consent
of course. It was also nice engaging with people and really observing how they behave or react
to certain things. We also played games with some of the people we met on the street and
asked them compliment random people in the street. Overall this project was fun for me
because it was very interactive, and it has always been an interest of mine to study human
behaviors. Working with other people was also a good experience because we were bouncing
ideas off each other.