Page 63 - Microsoft Word - 1_light travels_FOR FLIPBOOK ADJUSTED.docx
P. 63
Maths is difficult
but the surest route to truth;
that it is hard to be an adult —
cook, clean, laundry, putting out refuse;
and that you wouldn't change this experience.
I try to memorise everything.
To say goodbye, you steal time. We share a meal at a vegan spot. Under *Hoekstraat’s pretty lights we hug, part; braced by scarves.
Two blocks along the canal I stop — walk back
find you in tears.
My globe-trotting twenty-year old by your trusty companion: second hand, pedal-break
bike with no gears.
Loaded with books. Frame of steel.
“Next time, stay longer.” Then you slip into a stream of cycling youth — without touching handles,