Page 8 - World Airnews Magazine October Edition 2020
P. 8

OPINION                                                                                                                  OPINION

                                                                                                                                livering takeaways and online purchases to   allow their drone industries to grow so   Gateway” which allows anyone working
                                                                                                                                                                    they can be major players in the emerging
                                                                                                                                the next door neighbour. However, these                                on a new aviation development to submit

                                                                                                                                challenges can be overcome by the correct   field.  In South Africa, although Part 101   questions to the UKCAA and obtain quick

                                                                                                                                combination of regulation and technol-  of the regulations, does allow the SACAA   answers on regulatory related issues. The

                                                                                                                                ogy. In Europe, the Volocopter is making   to approve BVLS operations for drones,   second structure is a “Regulatory Labo-

                                                                                                                                rapid progress with the development of   this authorisation is provided on a very   ratory”. This laboratory brings together

                                                                                                                                                                    limited, ad hoc and discretionary basis.
                                                                                                                                passenger drones that can be used as “Air                              regulators, academia and the public to

                                                                                                                                Taxi’s and Xwing has recently successfully   Therefore, Part 101 cannot be regarded as   develop potential regulatory models and
                                                                                                                                flight tested a Cessna Caravan flown from   recognising drones as equal and integrat-  avoids duplication between government

                                                                                                                                the ground.                         ed users of the airspace.          agencies. The third structure is the so-
                                                                                                                                  Meanwhile, Avion Solutions in the   INNOVATION DEPARTMENT            called “Regulatory Sandpit” where the

                                                                                                                                United States has developed safe and ef-  A recent development in the United   UKCAA gives initial guidance to innovators

                                                                                                                                fective operating systems for drones that   Kingdom is worth noting and could be   on the development and potential approv-

                                                                                                                                record, manage and monitor all flights   something that South Africa could emulate.   al of ideas.
                                                                                                                                Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLS). By lim-  Realising how important the adoption of   It is anticipated that the establishment of

                                                                                                                                iting drone operations, to Visual Line of   new technology will be for the future of   the innovation department will significantly

                                                                                                                                Sight (VLOS) operations only, many reg-  their aviation industry in a Post Brexit and   change the way the UKCAA works with in-

                                                                                                                                ulators have curtailed the development   Covid 19 era, the UKCAA has just estab-  dividuals and companies in the innovation

                                                                                                                                and application of drones in the same   lished a special innovation department to   sector and will allow for a quicker and more

                                                                                                                                way that the early development of the   facilitate innovation in aviation.   efficient adoption of innovative ideas and

                                                                                                                                motor car was stifled by the law requiring                             technologies.
                                                                                                                                a porter to carry a red flag in advance of   This department is funded by the UK   If South Africa is serious about wanting to

                                                                                                                                each vehicle.   But not all countries are   department of business, energy and   create opportunity in the aviation indus-

                                                                                                                                                                    industrial strategy, the equivalent of
                                                                                                                                against innovation.
                                  WHEN ONE DOOR CLOSES                                                                          tial of drone technology and are looking   South Africa’s department of trade and   try post Covid 19, it would be worthwhile

                                                                                                                                                                                                       for our aviation authority to follow the
                                                                                                                                  China and India recognise the poten-
                                                                                                                                                                    industry (Dti). The UKCAA innovation team

                                                                                                                                                                                                       UKCAA’s example and set up an innovation

                                                                                                                                                                    has created three structures to facilitate

                                  ANOTHER OPENS                                                                                 at adopting regulatory regimes that will   their work. Firstly, there is an “Innovation   department.  Q
                                                                                          By Luc Skywriter
                                                                      photo credit: ThisisEngineering RAEng on Unsplash

                                           war era. The Chicago Convention in 1944   state owned enterprises and a failure by
                                           created the regulatory structure that fa-  certain authorities to regulate in a way

               ut of adversity comes oppor-  cilitated the adoption and implementation   that allows the Industry to implement
       Otunity - that’s if we choose to    of these technologies and systems.   equipment and operating changes,
        be bold and harness the opportunities   There is no denying that the technolo-  quickly and cost effectively. If the South

        that innovation and technology can bring.   gy and methodology we inherited from   African aviation sector is to recover after

                                                                               the pandemic and replace the thousands
        And opportunity is something desperate-  the war has served us well, for more   of jobs lost, then Industry as well as
        ly needed by the aviation industry as it   than 70 years. However, in the last three   government will need to change the

        recovers from the COVID 19 pandemic - the   years or so it has become increasingly   way they do things and become more
                                           evident that many things in aviation are

        direst event to strike aviation since the   not working optimally anymore.  Change   innovative and co-operative.
        Second World War.                  and reform is needed on the safety and
         No one needs reminding how COVID   economic front and in the structures   DRONES
        19 has devastated every sector of civil   that internationally and domestically   With respect to nurturing and implement-

        aviation - from airlines to flight schools,   promote and regulate the industry. Most   ing emerging technologies, there has
        airports to maintenance organisations. It   importantly we need to improve the way   been a failure by most aviation regulators

        will take many years for the industry to   we nurture and bring on line emerging   to establish an equitable regulatory
        recover and some businesses may never   aviation technologies.         framework for “urban air mobility” and
        return. However, the pandemic does pres-                               especially incorporate drone technology
        ent an ideal opportunity for South Africa   SAA                        into civil airspace so that viable businesses
        and other countries to introduce new   At home, many feel that South Africa’s   can be created.
        ideas and technologies that have started   standing as the predominant aviation   New technologies can bring challeng-
        to emerge and undoubtedly represent the   power on the African Continent has   es as well as opportunities and this is

        future of aviation.                been substantially eroded over the past   especially the case with drones. There

         Much of the technology and method-  decade and we have been eclipsed in   are indeed valid safety, security and

        ologies used in aviation today date back   various aviation activities by Nigeria,   privacy concerns regarding the operation

        to the Second World War.  The airline   Ethiopia and Kenya. The success of   of drones in urban environments. Well
        industry was built on surplus C47 aircraft   Ethiopian Airlines versus the failure of   publicised instances exist where drones

        operating from airfields constructed   South African Airways is one example   have threatened airport airspace security

        during the war, flown and maintained by   of this.   The reasons for this decline   and intruded into the flight paths of large

        personnel trained by the military.    Radar,   are wide ranging such as South Africa’s   passenger aircraft.
        jet propulsion and pressurised cabins   decade long economic stagnation, a   Also, the public are concerned by the

        were cutting edge wartime technologies   weak and unstable currency, decline,   prospect of swarms of unregulated drones                                                                         Photo credit: Felipe Vieira on Unsplash

        harnessed by civil aviation in the post   corruption and inefficiencies within   intruding onto their properties whilst de-

                                                  World Airnews | October 2020                                                                                            World Airnews | October 2020
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