Page 9 - World Airnews August 2020 Edition
P. 9
URGENT GOVERNMENT AID their facilitation charges for passengers arriving to (US) $100. In
Lebanon some airlines are charging airlines (US) $100 for Covid-19
tests for arriving passengers . This is not going to help restore the
IS NEEDED industry. This is not going to encourage people to travel,” he said.
A recent survey showed that travellers are as concerned about catch-
By Heidi Gibson ing the virus while travelling as they are about having to quarantine.
“At present 40% of the countries in the world that have imposed
quarantine measures are in Africa and the Middle East – that is 36
countries. For a region that needs travel and tourism that needs
connection more than any other region this is not going to encour-
irlines in Africa will lose (US) $42 for every passenger they age people to travel.
Acarry in 2020 with a similar situati on arising in the Middle “AME has the highest number of countries in the world with
East – losses are (US) $37 for every passenger carried this year. government-imposed quarantine measures on arriving passengers.
These shocking statistics were revealed by IATA regional vice The region is effectively in complete lockdown with the travel and
president for African and the Middle East Muhammed Ali Albakri tourism sector shuttered. This is detrimental in a region where 8.6
who recently gave a press briefing on the two regions. million people depend on aviation for their livelihoods,” Albakri said.
“Our indications are the situation has worsened and it doesn’t So what needs to happen?
look like it is going to get better quickly - unless governments step Albakri said organisations such as the World Health Organisa-
in and help,” Albakri said. tion, ICAO and IATA have come up with a set of measures and
IATA data shows that in southern Africa, passenger numbers are recommendations which should be applied will reduce the risk of
down by 58% and revenue by 60%. In east Africa numbers were contracting and spreading the virus.
down by 53% and revenues by 56% and the same level of percent- He said IATA is encouraging governments to educate travellers
ages are reflected in west and north of Africa. and really at the heart of this is simply that travellers who are not
“It’s a bad situation and it’s getting worse. We have to have ways feeling well should not travel.
to reverse this cycle. It is detrimental to African nations in terms of He said other measures and guidelines as outlined in the ICAO
GDP and it is starting to affect people’s lives,” he said. CART / Take-Off strategy is what governments and health officials
In the Middle East the situation is similar. In the GCC and Levant should use when reopening borders.
regions passenger numbers are down 54% and 5% respectively. For As far as testing is concerned the matter is more complicated by
every passenger ME airlines will carry they will lose (US) $37. what type should be used, who should pay for it.
“As we enter the summer season this is supposed to be the high Countries encourage countries to use the technology for contacting Muhammed Ali Albakri
season but aircrafts remain grounded and borders remain closed. tracing as an effective measure that can help should anyone contract
Countries have started to open but are putting in place restrictive the disease. This will help to contact the person so that they can iso- lief but it is not enough and the organisation is still waiting to hear
measures that are preventing people from travelling,” he said. late and this mitigates against the need for quarantine measures. how much will go to help African airlines.
Governments need to find a balance between protecting the He emphasised that government should apply the same the set He said about (US) $120 billion has been raised to assist airlines
health and safety of passengers, while opening up borders and of standards, work together with public health department and around the world and about (US) $800 000 million for African air-
rebuilding their economies. apply those vigorously as outlined by the CART take off strategy lines but this is not enough given the size of the continent and the
Albakri called on African and ME governments to put aside their while the world is getting over this crisis. number of airlines affected.
differences and not play politics with this situation by only allowing The lockdown is having a huge negative financial effect and many He said it still remained unclear where money pledged by the African
in passengers from certain countries. airlines will not survive this without government relief. Locking Union and the Development Bank to assist African airlines would go.
More importantly he said, governments must also stop adding down nations and a continent is not a long term solution. This is an “If anything this crisis has demonstrated the importance of
more costs to air travel. abnormal situation. We have to find ways to re-ignite travel while connectivity and air travel around the world. The challenges faced
“Recently I have heard of many examples where governments protecting the health and safety of all concerned, he said. in Africa are not unique to Africa they are the same all over the
are adding more taxes. For example Air Seychelles just added a Albakri said that IATA had written to a number of development world,” he said. Q
(US) $50 health tax for arriving passengers and Nigeria doubled agencies and international donors had received some financial re-
World Airnews | August 2020 World Airnews | August 2020
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