Page 76 - World Airnews Magazine February 2020 Edition
P. 76

NEWS DIGITAL                                                                                                           NEWS DIGITAL

                                                                                                                                                          NIGERIAN AIR FORCE RECEIVES
                                   IATA COMMENDS AIR PEACE
                                                                                                                                                          SECOND BATCH OF AW109

                                            to the chairman of Air Peace Allen Onyema   earned Air Peace this safety recognition.
                                            and congratulated the airline's team for   The certificate gives the airline a global                         HELICOPTERS
         The International Air Transport    achieving the feat.                recognition as a 100% safety-compliant
          Association (IATA) has commended Air   He said many airlines had started the   airline", Fatokun said.
          Peace for its consistency in sustaining its   safety audit but were unable to complete   Onyema said the IOSA certificate is
          safety status since it passed its Operational   it.                  something to be proud of and said Air
          Safety Audit (IOAS) three years ago.  He said that scaling through the third   Peace is becoming an emerging force in
           Head of account management, West and   safety audit process was a testament to Air   Africa's aviation landscape.
          Central Africa, IATA, Samson Fatokun gave   Peace's commitment to maintaining high   He thanked the IATA team and the Air
          the commendation to the airline in Lagos   safety standards in its operations.  Peace team for a successful safety audit
          recently.                           "Many airlines are not able to achieve   and said the airline would always align with
           Fatokun was presenting the third IATA   this because they don't have the discipline   global best practices and safety standards.
          Operational Safety Audit, IOSA, certificate   and hard work which have consistently   Q


                                      A CALL FOR REGIONAL

                                      ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION


                                                                                  By Jon Hemmerdinger

                                             it could recommend it to ICAO, which   work “in a timely way that doesn’t trash
                                             sets guidelines for aviation crash   the reputation of manufacturers or an
           The Flight Safety Foundation thinks   investigations.               airline, and that can be treated with
           that creating new, regionally based   Those guidelines call for accidents to   trust”, said Quinn.
           aircraft crash investigation teams could   be investigated by the state in which they   Accident investigations involving
           help bring impartiality and expertise to   occur, though states may pass investiga-  international parties have long proved
           crash probes that might otherwise be   tions to other states. Representatives of   contentious, but recent crashes have                                                    The previously delivered AW109 Powers have been fitted with
                                             countries from which affected airlines and
           hamstrung by politics, bias and technical   manufacturers hail are also entitled to   spurred more discussion about a solution.                                           gun and rocket pods and used on combat operations.
           inexperience.                     participate.                       For instance, experts have concern               The Nigerian Air Force (NAF) is about to take into service two   The NAF said that over the last five years it has taken delivery of
             Recent commercial aircraft crashes   Many countries have accident investi-  whether Iranian authorities will permit an                                                  21 new aircraft, including ten Super Mushshak trainers, 5 Mi-35M
           and resulting investigations have led the   gation bureaus, but only several have the   unbiased review into the loss of Ukraine   more AW109 Power helicopters after they were delivered by air   attack helicopters (with more due to be delivered), two Bell 412
           nonprofit to consider recommending such   technical expertise and independence   International Airlines flight PS752 on 8   from Italy recently.                          helicopters and four AW109 Power helicopters.
           investigation teams be formed, at least   from political pressure needed to   January. Iran already said its military   The two partially disassembled rotorcraft, along with equipment   Beside these, 15 additional aircraft have been ordered by the
           in some regions of the globe, said Flight   complete unbiased reviews, Quinn said.  accidently downed the Boeing 737-800   and spares, arrived at Nnamdi Azikwe International Airport Abuja   Federal Government, which include 12 Super Tucano attack aircraft
           Safety Foundation chief executive Hassan   “The problem we really have, which is   with a missile.                    on board a Boeing 737-400 Cargolux Airline aircraft from Malpensa   and 3 JF-17 Thunder multi-role fighter aircraft. Photos posted
           Shahidi.                          actually acute, is that we have accident   Likewise, some safety experts have       International Airport in Italy recently.            online earlier this month seem to indicate Nigeria’s Thunders are
             “A regional model would be good first   investigation authorities that are too   faulted Indonesia’s investigation team for   A team from the Nigerian Air Force and Leonardo Helicopters   almost ready for delivery.
           step… We are looking into it,” Shahidi   slow, that are too biased and are too   placing outsize blame on Boeing for the   then proceeded to begin assembling the aircraft (NAF 579 and   The NAF said it also took over 11 aircraft from other ministries,
           said.                             inexperienced, and they don’t have   October 2018 crash of a Lion Air 737 Max.      NAF 578) in preparation for introduction to service. The first two   departments and agencies including three EC-135 helicopters and
             “What we really need is an indepen-  enough resources,” he said.  They have raised similar concern about            were inducted on 29 April 2019 during the NAF Day celebrations in   three Dauphin helicopters from the Nigerian National Petroleum
           dent, well-staffed and trained cross-bor-  Forming independent investigation   the still-ongoing investigation into the   Abuja.                                          Corporation (NNPC), three Donier 228 aircraft and two Agusta
           der international accident investigation   boards could help ensure international   crash of an Ethiopian Airlines 737 Max in   The two latest AW109s will be deployed to theatres of operation   AW101 helicopters from the Presidential Air Fleet (PAF) making an
           authority,” Flight Safety Foundation   conflicts and diplomatic pressures do   March last year. Q                     across the country to reinforce the Air Force’s capability in the   unprecedented total of 47 aircraft that have either been inducted
           general counsel Kenneth Quinn said.  not influence investigations. Such groups   Article courtesy: https://www.       fight against insurgency and other forms of criminality, according   into the NAF or ordered for the Service since 2015.
             Should the group approve the idea,   could be counted on to complete their                      to Air Commodore Ibikunle Daramola, Director of Public Relations   been reactivated within the past five years. Q
                                                                                                                                                                                      Meanwhile, more than 20 previously grounded aircraft have
                                                                                                                                 and Information with the Nigerian Air Force.
                                                   World Airnews | February Extra 2020                                                                                  World Airnews | February Extra 2020
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