Page 9 - World Airnews Magazine November 2020
P. 9

 CRISIS           CRISIS

         WAN: WHAT SHOULD THEY DO?                                              not be able to pass).
         WHAT SHOULD THEY NOT DO? IN A          Market yourself and seek career guid-  Some senior captains find it very difficult

         PRACTICAL WAY CAN YOU PLEASE           ance if needed.                 to get their confidence back after a job loss

         DESCRIBE A PERSON’S BEST COURSE      7.  Use your time wisely – upskill & reskill   and it takes them a very long time to gain

         OF ACTION?                             Develop new skills, and pick up skills   it back. A lot of them decide to take early
         AS: The best practical survival strategies are:  that will help you succeed in a non-   retirement because they just can’t face yet

                                                flying role. Make use of the very many

           1. Don’t go it alone – Seek support.   free resources available.     another downturn in the industry. Many se-

             Get help navigating the grief-like feel-                           nior pilots decide to leave the industry and
             ings and help to create a plan to move   WAN: WHAT HAS BEEN YOUR   embark on a completely new career. Some
             forward. Don’t engage in self-defeat   EXPERIENCE? HAVE YOU SEEN A   others see it as an opportunity to continue

             and avoid behaviours that will keep   RISE IN THE AMOUNT OF CASES   working in the aviation sector but in a very

             you in a cycle of negativity.   YOU ARE DEALING WITH?              different capacity.

           2. Keep a routine                 AS: There has been a sharp increase

             Get outside, seek out adventure and   in the number of cases I handle on the   WAN: I ALSO UNDERSTAND THAT

             fresh air. Make a conscious effort to   career support side. Pilots however,   THE RATE OF SUICIDE AMONG
                                                                                EX-PILOTS IS CLIMBING. ARE YOU
             surround yourself with people who   typically use a career transition coach
             support and inspire you – avoid those   as an emergency room, after all else   AWARE OF THIS? WHAT HAS BEEN
             who are angry.                  has failed and they have been rejected   YOUR EXPERIENCE OR KNOWLEDGE
           3. Structure your day             many times. They have the “I can do it”   OF THIS?
             Reconnect with things you haven’t   on my own attitude which is of course   AS: Sadly, some pilots do get to the stage
             done for a while - hobbies you let slip,   not helpful in a situation when you could   when they are so depressed that they are
             volunteering, friends, or family will   really do with some professional help.   having thoughts of suicide or self-harm.
             reinforce the fact that your identity is                           Thankfully, I’ve not encountered such client

             more than a job.                WAN: HOW DAMAGING WOULD            during the course of my practice so far but

           4. Make a realistic assessment of your   THIS BE TO A PERSON’S PSYCHE –   I’m aware that this is a widespread issue
                                             ESPECIALLY SOME OF THE MORE

             financial situation             EXPERIENCED OLDER 50 YEARS AND     currently in the industry.
             If you think that you may be out of   ABOVE PILOTS - AND ONCE THE   WAN: IS THERE A FACILITY OR
             work set out all your necessary ex-  CRISIS IS OVER HOW WOULD THEY   RESOURCE WHERE PILOTS CAN GO
             penses and exactly what you need to   BE ABLE TO REGAIN CONFIDENCE   TO SEEK HELP?  WHERE SHOULD
             survive. Talk to lenders and mortgage   TO BE ABLE TO BE IN CHARGE OF AN   THEY GO TO RECEIVE HELP OR

             companies to re-negotiate deals and   AIRPLANE AGAIN?              SUPPORT?

             be brutal about cutting out ‘discretion-

             ary spending’. Involve your family in   AS: The negative impact of a job loss is   AS: Some of the best resources available to
             this process and brainstorm ideas.   very damaging at any stage of a career. It   pilots who need help are:

           5. Create new CVs and covering letters   is particularly true when it comes to the   •  Centre for Aviation Psychology:

             One for pursuing any flying opportu-  50+ generation. They normally take longer   https://www.centreforaviationpsychol-

             nities that may occur and another for   to recover from the shock. Many senior

             any nonflying jobs that you may wish   pilots just can’t imagine life outside of the   •  Resilient Pilot or - a
                                             cockpit. This is particularly true for those

                                                                                   free peer support network offering

             to apply for. In the latter case whilst
 THERE IS HELP FOR PILOTS  the technical aspects of flying may be   who have not really done anything else   resources and mentors to help aspiring

                                             outside of flying. They need a lot of help
                                                                                   and experienced pilots remain connect-
             irrelevant, the ‘competencies’ will be
             and many of your managerial skills can   and coaching to make them realise that   ed with the airline industry.
             be referenced.                  their skill set is highly transferable and   •  Cockpit Coaches or Cockpitcoaches.
           6. Sign up to recruitment sites & get   valuable in many other sectors. At the   com – helps support pilots navigate

 than most as the impact on the air travel   how they worked harder than the guy   good at networking   end of this these people have been highly   through turbulent times in the aviation

 industry generally, and on job security   sitting next to them and what a terrible   There will, of course, be fierce compe-  trained, vetted and have been through   industry and helps them create new

                                             rigorous assessments (most people would

 rpad Szakal, a former aviation   specifically, has been profound and is likely   mistake the company made in letting   tition for jobs that become available.   and powerful opportunities. Q

 Alawyer and now an executi ve   to remain so for some time to come.  them go.

 search and leadership assessment profes-  It is particularly difficult for pilots be-  •  Bargaining: This is a reaction some

 sional offers his advice and guidance to   cause they very often don’t just lose their   pilots have when a situation feels   Who is Arpad Szakal?

 aviation professionals battling to cope with   jobs/uniform but their whole identity. It   hopeless. And the loss of a job can

 having lost their jobs. He spoke to World   is much more than a job for them. It is a   feels like a desperate time. Some   Arpad Szakal has specialised
 Airnews editor Heidi Gibson  passion and something that is very close to   pilots try to bargain their way out of a   expertise in the engineering,
 their heart.
 bad situation.

 WAN : THE COVID-19 CRISIS   From my experience, working with flight   •  Depression: Depression is the next   infrastructure and manufacturing

 HAS CAUSED PANDEMONIUM   crews around the world is that they all go   stage of the process and can really hit   sectors, as well as aerospace
 THROUGHOUT THE AVIATOR   through the five stages of grief. These are:  people hard. You may not get offered   and defence. He has worked

 SECTOR. AS FLEETS ARE GROUNDED   •  Denial: This is a basic survival instinct   the first, third or even the tenth job   at the aviation departments

 – AIRLINES ACROSS THE WORLD   that surfaces when we face an   you apply for. “I am never going to   of two leading international
 – HAVE HAD TO LAY OFF PILOTS,   unpleasant or trying situation. Pilots   find a job!” is what a lot of pilots keep   law firms in London where he

 TECHNICIANS AND OTHERS. BRIEFLY   don’t always give themselves enough   telling themselves.   handled EU regulatory cases
 DESCRIBE THE PSYCHOLOGICAL   time to properly process the news and   •  Acceptance: Finally, pilots come to the   including passenger rights. He

 PROCESS THAT A PILOT WOULD   grasp their new reality.   acceptance stage of the grieving pro-  helps aviation professionals to
 GO THROUGH HAVING BEEN TOLD   •  Anger and Disbelief: These emotions   cess.  They come to accept the current   relaunch their careers in other

 THAT THEY CAN’T FLY AND ARE   are typically the next feelings pilots   situation and can finally let the past go.   sectors. Do you need specific

 NOW FORCED TO TAKE VOLUNTARY   move through. They very often ask   It is really important to spend enough   help? Centre For Aviation

 RETIREMENT OR HAVE BEEN   themselves, “How could they do this to   time in each of these stages as all of them   Psychology email: arpad@

 RETRENCHED.  me?” They very often ruminate over all   are important to help with the healing

 AS: Pilots are arguably more affected   the great things they did for the airline,   process after a job loss.

 World Airnews | November / December 2020     World Airnews | November / December 2020
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