Page 9 - World Airnews Magazine December 2020
P. 9



 BACK IN 2021

 need to be there to provide the capacity   world-class test-and-trace system had been
 at low prices.”  “utter vacuous rubbish” and questioned

 ir passenger numbers should   Ryanair has cut capacity for winter, but   the approach now being taken by the UK
 Abounce back to near normal   not yet as drastically as its rival easyJet.   government’s global task force in develop-

 levels by next summer, defying industry   O’Leary said, “I’ve heard a lot of rubbish   ing a new testing regime for arrivals.

 predictions that it could take years for   coming from legacy airlines that it’ll be   “Airport testing is a complete waste of

 growth to return after the pandemic.  2035 till the volumes come back. Rubbish.   time … it’s too late, it takes too long, what

 That’s according to airline chief execu-  Volumes will go back in 2021 or 2022 pretty   do you do in a terminal when you have

 tive Michael O’Leary who has predicated   quickly - they will go back because Ryanair   positive tests?”

 passenger volumes should reach 75-80% of   will discount prices, hotels will discount.”  Ryanair supported pre-departure testing,

 pre-COVID-19 levels in 2021, especially if a   The travel industry organisation Abta said   O’Leary said, to restart flying. “Testing

 vaccine was available in the coming months.  some firms had reported bookings for next   should not be at airports, people should

 While he admitted winter was a “write-  summer since the recent announcement of   be coming to airports with a negative test.

 off”, he said Ryanair was poised “at the   a vaccine by Pfizer, while more were receiv-  Certainly within Europe, short-haul should

 dawn of an extraordinary era of growth”   ing inquiries from would-be holidaymakers.  be restarting quickly.”

 with a fleet of new planes arriving and was   An online travel platform said more   O’Leary said he had been busy negoti-

 emerging from the pandemic with a strong   people had searched for holidays since the   ating new airport slots around Europe for

 balance sheet, in a position to offer low   vaccine news but there had not yet been a   after the pandemic. “Airports are realising

 fares to stimulate travel.  notable impact on bookings.  that a lot of Lufthansa’s capacity is not

 Speaking at the World Travel Market con-  A spokeswoman said the vaccine news   coming back . They want to deal with an

 ference, O’Leary said he was optimistic that   would “go some way to restoring consum-  airline that is rapid and flexible. What

 Covid vaccines would be rolled out before   er confidence” but the industry needed   we’ve done is been keeping all our planes,
 the peak summer season in 2021.  government support now “as many travel   pilots and crew current, so we can pounce
 “There’s going to be an enormous snap-  companies will not be able to wait for the   on growth.”

 back on travel demand … Mrs O’Leary is   full roll out of a vaccine”.  Ryanair’s fleet should be augmented by

 very keen to go back to the Algarve and I   O’Leary criticised government “incom-  the first deliveries of Boeing 737 Max planes,

 suspect she’d be there in 2.5 nanoseconds   petence”, particularly in the UK but across   O’Leary said, anticipating European regula-

 after the coronavirus restrictions are lifted.   Europe, in addressing the pandemic.   tory approval of the model in January.

 I think she’s reflective of the overwhelming   He said, “What was disturbing is the way   He dismissed concerns over the safety

 majority of Europe’s population, and they   the government mishandled that first lock-  of the plane, which was grounded after

 will go back,” O’Leary said.  down … it should have given time to put in   two fatal crashes. “It will be the most

 “We’re going to see a surge of that   place mass testing.”  audited, the most interrogated, safest

 intra-European tourism next year, and we   He said Boris Johnson’s promise of a   aircraft ever to fly.” Q
 World Airnews | December 2020                     World Airnews | December 2020
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