Page 248 - Ca Dao Thời Cộng Sản
P. 248

Ca Dao Thời Cộng Sản

             Maët sau vieát :

             In  appreciation  of  the  efforts  of  UNHCR,  the  Red

             Cross  and  Indonesian  Red  Crescent  Moon  Society
             and other world relief organizations, the Indonesian
             Government  and  people  as  well  as  all  countries of

             first assylum and resettlement. We also express our
             gratitude to the thousands of individuals who worked
             hard in helping the Vietnamese refugees.

             Overseas Vietnamese Communities, 2005.

             Taïm dòch :

             maët tröôùc :

             Ñeå  ghi  nhôù  haøng  traêm  ngaøn  ngöôøi  Vieät  Nam  ñaõ  bò

             cheát treân ñöôøng ñeán töï do (1975-1996). Hoï ñaõ cheát
             vì  ñoùi,  khaùt,  bò  haõm  hieáp,  kieät  söùc,  hoaëc  vì  baát  keå
             nguyeân nhaân naøo khaùc, chuùng ta caàu nguyeän cho hoï

             luùc naøy ñöôïc vónh vieãn an nghæ.

             Caùc Coäng Ñoàng Ngöôøi Vieät Nam Haûi Ngoaïi, 2005

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