Page 12 - VT_Farm_Show_Guide_2018_lr
P. 12
Job Fair on the Floor
These exhibitors have career information American Jersey Cattle Association
available in their booths and will be prepared Casella Organics
to talk with anyone visiting the Show during Catamount Solar
regular hours about opportunities in their Champlain Valley Equipment
companies. Dubois and King, Inc.
Each of these exhibitors will have signage Frazier Agency, Inc.
clearly marking their willingness to talk about Harrison Concrete
the future with guests, and there will also be a Harvest Equipment
listing of the companies at our welcome desk. Hicks Sales LLC
We are focusing on young people in FFA, Kingdom Creamery of Vermont
enrolled at VoTech or VoAg programs, Lake Champlain Basin Program
attending VTC or UVM in agriculture (or Liftech Equipment Companies
2+2FARMS), or on their home farms—but Nationwide AgriBusiness
Rouse Tire and Sales, Inc.
anyone who might be looking for a career in St. Albans Cooperative Creamery
agriculture is welcome to stop by our JOBS Select Sire Power, Inc.
FAIR ON THE FLOOR exhibitors’ booths Soule and Son, Inc.
and chat! These vendors are scattered UVM Extension
throughout the building, so you’ll have to USDA NRCS
go looking for them! Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets
This is an exciting opportunity for Vermont DHIA
anyone interested in the future of agriculture! Vermont Grass Farmers Association
We hope you take advantage of the Vermont Public Radio
opportunity! VTFS Vermont Technical College
Vermont Agricultural Credit Corporation
Financing for Vermont Farms, Diversified Agriculture,
and Forest Product Businesses
802-828-5627 Economic Development Authority (VEDA).
VACC is a program of the Vermont
12 2018 Vermont Farm Show