Page 19 - VT_Farm_Show_Guide_2018_lr
P. 19
Casella Organics Brothers
1 Information 165 Booth
VT Wood MILLER EXPO CENTRE BUILDING Shelburne Farms Display Animals and These do not exist!!
2 lands
Company booth locations may be subject to change. 159 160 161 162 163 164
LCBP Signage will be posted in the entryway and both rooms
3 to indicate changes. Morgan Horse Heritage Dis
Artisan Printing Floor Plans
4 38 39 80 81
37 Northeast Farm Sales 40 Northeast Farm Sales 79 Champlain Valley Equipment 82 Champlain Valley Equipment VT Sheep and Goat Association
Entry Area Doors 36 35 Tech 41 42 AJCC 78 77 83 84 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 ----Kuhn Equipment -------- 128 127 126 125 124 123 ----Kuhn Equipment------- 155 156 157 158
34 VT Land VT Trust 43 Select Sire 76 Cargill 85 NE Ag Sales NofaVT Seat VT Bird ing Fancier
33 44 VT DHIA 75 Comm. Bank 86 VT Grange Hicks Sales LLC
5 Public Radio Yankee VEDA Poulin Grain
Vermont 32 Farm 45 Kingdom Cream. 74 Good riches Maple Display 87 129
6 Hall to Blue Ribboh Pavilion
31 46 VHCB 73 Farm Bureau 88 AGR 154 Classic Stitch
8 VT UVM Extension St. Albans Cooperativ
30 UVM Hay/Silage 47 VACD 72 VT FFA 89 e VT/NH Chest nut
9 Display Presby Enviro
WDEV 29 48 US Dpt Labor 71 NEDP 90 UVM Ag Bus DFA LD Oliver
10 28 CV Farmers 49 USDA NASS 70 VBIC 91 UVM Sus Ag 110 111 112 113 114 115 Dairy One 136 135 134 133 132 131 130 Myco gen Farm Family
27 Tunbr Fair 50 USDA USDA NRCS 69 Cabot VBPA 92 UVM SARE NW Soi Lancas Farms Organic Valley 148 149 150 151 152 153
Hallway to Expo North Building. 26 25 VT Beekeepers Association 51 52 USDA FSA APHIS 68 67 Nation wide 93 94 UVM UVM Grass 109 R Soule & Son R Soule & Son Empire Pete's Tires Hydr P e t e ' s T i r e s
146 147
11 24 53 66 95 Hay, Silage & Wool VENTEC CANADA PROD Products Display
12 23 Sugarmakers 54 BASCOM 65 GEA EQUIP 96 GEA EQUIP Leader Evap Leader Evap 145
13 VT Agency of Agriculture 22 55 VT Bee Supply 64 97 Grow Compst CoOperative
14 21 Farm2Plate 56 63 98 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 Insurance 143 142 141 140 139 138 137 Mansfield Heliflight
15 VT Tax 20 57 62 Kent Overhead Door Entry
16 VT F&W 19 ESSEX EQUIPMENT 58 ESSE EQUIPMENT 61 CCR EQUIPMENT . . . . . . 101 100 99 CCR EQUIPMENT . . . . . .
17 Effici ency VT 18 59 60 Brownfields Brownfields 145 146
144 UVM Robots/Seating 19