Page 3 - The experience that has changed my life
P. 3

to Riyadh. A year prior i studied at
  Al-Hassa with my brother, i had a
typewriter which is the equavilnt of a
   computer in today's time. And i
 recieved first place in the exam for
 typewriting. I believe the exam was
for 30 word per minute and i got 60
  per minute. I was talented in that
thing. After that year i came back to
my family to finish middle school. As
i mentioned earlier, looking into my
father's situation and being the eldest
in the family from our mother (Dad
had 5 wives beforehand.) I always felt
a responsibility to take care of things,
because when i was 13 or 14 years of
  age both my mom and my father
 travelled for hajj and left me to take
 care of the farm and my family, etc.
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