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P. 15

  5. Remove the applicator from the cradle and the treatment screen will automatically appear.
6. Optionally, you may adjust parameters (treatment duration, vibration intensity of Oxygeneo applicator) by moving the slider up to increase, down to decrease or press the “+ “or “-” key accordingly (Fig. 21).
Fig. 20
Fig. 21
Fig. 23
  7. The green led light will blink, indicating that session was selected, and the program is loading parameters to the applicator.
8. Press applicator’s ‘Start’ button (fig. 22) to commence treatment. The blue led light will appear, indicating that a treatment program is running, and energy Is being transmitted.
9. To edit parameters during treatment, press the ‘Start’ button on the applicator to pause treatment (Fig. 22) and then the ‘Edit’ button on the screen to adjust parameters if needed.
10. Resumetreatmentbypressingthe‘Start’buttonagain(Fig.22).
11. When session duration is finished, a pop-up requesting to return applicator to its place will appear on the screen “Please return applicator to the holder” (fig. 23).
12. Nextsessioninthetreatmentprotocolswillautomaticallyappear. Continue with the same operation steps as with the previous session.

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