Page 19 - 2016-2017 Course Catalog
P. 19

Bay Laurel Elementary
Bay Laurel Elementary prides itself on a dedicated, purposeful focus on the whole child. The Bay Laurel school philosophy approaches education by asking the question, “What qualities do we want to encourage in children as they grow to adulthood?” At Bay Laurel, these qualities include initiative, integrity, imagination, an inquiring mind, self-knowledge,
interpersonal skills, and kindness.
The investment in character education, along with the detailed attention to students’ emotional happiness, is something Bay Laurel is proud to showcase as an exemplary practice. Bay Laurel believes by meeting these needs, they are not only building self-esteem,
but also putting children in an environment where they can thrive academically.
Reader’s and Writer’s Workshop in Grades K-5
Innovative Approaches to Literacy and Intervention
Interactive Mathematical Practices
Technology-Rich Learning Environments
Principal: Steve Scifres
Differentiated Instruction through the Swim to Success Program
Total Enrollment: 625

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