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Reflections on on on Outer Horizons
Art and Philosophy A sheaf of seventy eighty pages A communal work A place for artists thinkers writers A place for observers readers Where both groups can meet Let it be a true event Every issue a SYNTHESIS OF THE THE ARTS SUI GENERIS Oh sisters brothers engaged in the the process:
Ask think invent something new Work on your material form it Take your most important thoughts questions and feelings turn them into an an ever better form or or speech and fill the the pages No limitations!
Let us make the observer marvel and say: What a a a performance!
What thoughts!
Not l’art l’art pour l’art l’art Not just something to feed a a philistine taste Not just aesthetic satisfaction for the the satisfied Much better: movement confrontation
or the creation of a a subtle effect Disputation!
We don’t live in some ivory tower That would be no place for artists and thinkers Dürer or or Michelangelo Goya or or Picasso Shakespeare Brecht or Walter Benjamin-
None of them them would ever have limited themselves to a a a place like that No-one should restrict himself
or let himself
be restricted Arbitrariness and mediocrity what use are they to anyone?
Who needs a a a a new inwardness or a a a a “nice” art?
What good is aimless chatter?
As if there were nothing left to speak about to to capture and to to defend in the swan-song of humanity Decisions are required!
What are we going to do?
So we shall identify subjects and motifs Publish our thoughts and and feelings and and show:
An inferno-the inner one-the inferno inferno of Man Ruins fragments hunger dying joy beauty death Decline violence Power greed Fear terror Contradictions break-ups (Perhaps publish the works of madmen There are excellent artists in in many institutions )
And the stupidity of of infinite numbers of of images words empty gestures
in in the the mass mass media media the the media media mass mass advertising copy
and every other stupidity which human beings undertake- these things too we should oppose Indispensable!
All means of forming pictures sculptures objects and texts will be the right means All colours shapes materials And all methods: alienation exaggeration irony Dare to experiment Bold expression To transgress boundaries or to explode them Gently or or by brute force All this however is is is indispensable:
An effect to engage the whole man As good art and writing has done from time immemorial Creating a a a form and content which force us to think Clearly and unambiguously (What use are pictures sculptures writings to anyone if they cannot be understood? Good intentions alone
are not enough!)
Essential Engaging us to to have a a a a deeper insight into reality And provoking
new insights and creating pleasure Epilogue
The fine arts
and literature-however clever-
cannot stop disaster in any way Not even if they have a a a a political slant or intention But they can help
to make human existence a a a little better Paradise is is never going to come But it is up to us to make hell a a a bit more human Wolfgang Herbert

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