Page 34 - Internal Auditor Middle East - December 2017
P. 34

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         ethical? Does a corporation equal God?   a promotion, or was penalized, or lost a   doing a tremendous job. We are juggling
         Can a corporation decide to negatively   job due to some of our disclosures, you   assignments, managing expectations,
         impact the lives of thousands, as their   would probably find his opinion in a poll   investigating frauds, helping companies
         medicine is “good enough”? What about   somewhere – so should the consultants.   improve their processes, management
         the doctor that prescribed chemotherapy   If you want me to hire you, you’d better   of risks, governance, and saving a lot of
         for people who did not have cancer? He   be level with me. And do a research for   money while we are at it. While managing
         benefitted financially from ruining lives.   a subject which cannot bring you extra   our relations with the clients, I may add. By
         And people trust doctors by default... And   revenue, or expand a market. If you cannot   definition, people do not like being audited.
                                           do that, at least hire the IIA to validate   Unlike external auditors, we do not do
         Back to our Apocalypse… Like I said, in   the research you have done for their   a “hit and run” once a year, but we stay
         the age of social media, click baiting seems   profession. You owe us that much, after all,   here and face the fallout from our work,
         to be everything. Sensational news sell,   you are offering internal audit services to   in terms of relations. Are we pressured
         and suddenly everyone is an expert. And   clients yourselves.       to alter findings? – Yes! Of course. It is in
         no one listens to the actual voice of the                           the nature of our work. Some people even
         profession, the IIA.                                                criticized the profession over this online.
                                           As for internal auditors, we have a lot of   We are not the ones doing the pressuring.
         So, let us say, for the sake of argument,                           What we do is we stand our ground. And
         that a corporation has just paid billions of   work to do:          if we lose our job over it, so be it. You can
         dollars to settle out of court. Imagine there   - From educating boards, managers,   get a new job, you cannot get your integrity
         was an article in the news about it recently.   and more importantly students on what   back.
         And imagine they tell you, your profession   internal audit is. If you expect a healthy
         is declining, is in danger, and they can   skin from a spinal surgeon, you cannot   By definition, an internal auditor is
         help you out. Use their “magic pill”, the   blame him for your expectation gap.  someone who prefers to work in the
         solutions you would be charged for.                                 background, and someone that digs into
                                           - Educating human resource professionals   those papers, contracts or documents
         You can grab the bait… Or, you can listen   and recruiters – how many vacancies are   that no one wants to read. An internal
         to what the profession has to say about   out there, where the internal auditor is
         it. Read IIA reports, publications, blogs,   expected to be a CPA or ACCA? How   auditor would not be the one to brag his
                                                                             achievements, so we are mostly left with
         network on conferences, obtain insights   many organizational charts where the   this skewed perception of reality, that our
         from your colleagues, from your own   internal audit reports to the CFO? Is there   profession is in danger, or that it is not
         experience. Leave your cave, and interact   even a requirement for the candidate   doing a good job. Mostly from external
         with the stakeholders. What keeps them up   to be a member of the IIA? Would you
         at night? What do they need our help with?   hire a lawyer who is not part of the legal   sources.
         Be the water-cooler internal auditor and   chamber?                 That does not mean we do not have our
         mingle with employees to feel their pulse,                          “battle” stories to tell. Maybe we effected
         understand their fears.           - Educating politicians and legislation   savings that cover the internal audit budget
                                           bodies – how many laws are out there for   for the next 100 years or so. Maybe we
         I am not saying our profession is perfect,   internal audit which completely disregard
         far from it. But is external audit perfect?   the IIA, and even promote external   detected some major fraudulent practices.
         Were there not a number of scandals in   auditors for internal audit positions? I am   Maybe we alerted the board on some
         the past? What is the level of satisfaction of   talking developing markets here, countries   critical risks that later turned out exactly
         their clients? I can only assume very high,   where the profession is relatively new.  like we predicted. Maybe we helped
         as companies are paying for the report, and                         implement a major new improvement
         I have yet to see a negative external audit   - Educating internal auditors – mingle with   via our consulting engagements. The
         report. Oh, the things I’ve seen. But that   your clients. Get to know what they feel,   IIA might do well to think of a way
         is a different topic altogether, I shall tackle   establish a relationship. You are not a police   to highlight some of the tremendous
         those ethics some other time.     officer who is there to put them in jail.   achievements our colleagues are doing.
                                                                             While protecting sensitive information,
         I am now a consultant. I have crossed   - Rigorously enforce the code of ethics   of course.
         the river to the other side, I have so far   – there are bad apples, for sure. I have
         criticized in this article. But one thing I   witnessed a few of them in action.  Looking forward to your comments.
         would never dream of doing, is inventing   But, do not despair, no need to be   Slobodan Dimitrovski
         a problem for a client, in order for me to
         fix it for them. While internal auditors   discouraged. It is a natural evolution of a   Slobodan Dimitrovski
         should strive to become a trusted advisor
         – and tell that to the manager who missed   Frankly, if someone asks me, we are

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