Page 77 - FEAR
P. 77

 I read a lot online articles about HIV. I am not afraid that I will get it through sexual behavior.
I am a very conservative person. The only way worries me a lot is I am afraid I can get HIV from casual contact like hand shaking, handle tools, passing documents etc. I read some experiment results stating that HIV can live outside human body on dry surface up to 24 hours and STILL BE ABLE TO INFECT PEOPLE. If that is true, it is very dangerous! Because every one will have this or that kind of small skin damage almost daily. Which means some one will uninten- tional leave some virius on you. In the US, there is one HIV positive person among 300 people. In New York or San Francisco this ratio is even higher. If the damn virus get on to the place your skin is dam- aged, that will get you infected.

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