Page 207 - Gas Detection Systems Training Manual
P. 207

Will display the “Relay Polarity Modes” Screen:
By choosing one of the relay polarity mode text boxes (low, mid, high or fault) touching the associated current value, the new value can be selected using the popup keypad. You may continue to change the other relay polarity modes as long as you remain on this screen. If you wish to cancel the changes, simply press the “Alarm Levels” button to navigate back to the “Alarm Levels” Screen.
This setting changes the behavior of the SEC 3100 relays, such that when normally energized is set to “Yes”, the relay coil is always on when the relay is de-activated, but de-energized when the relay is activated. When set to “No”, the relay coil is always off when the relay is de-activated, and energized when activated.
To commit the changes and write them to the SEC 3100, simply press the “Commit Changes To 3100” button. A popup status box then appears, indicating the progress of updating the Relay Polarity Mode settings in the 3100, as shown on the following page. Once the update process is complete, the screen will return back to normal as it was prior to the changes, except it will contain the changed values on the display.
Sensor Electronics Corporation 5500 Lincoln Drive Minneapolis, Minnesota 55436 September 29th, 2006
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SEC 3500 OI Supervisor Operator’s Manual Version 2.1.0095

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