Page 93 - Erasmus Let's be Eco-sustainAble, towards 2030 Dissemination Activity Photobook
P. 93

Activity  - Exploring, Filming,

        Documenting Hadjigiorkis

        Flour Mill Museum

        The aim of the Museum is to demonstrate the
        whole procedure of wheat collection, flour
        milling and bread baking, the way it took place
        in Cyprus, through the pass of time.

        The company has a vast selection of artifacts,
        relative to these procedures, that were partly
        inherited to the Hadjigiorkis family, partly
        donated from friends who were informed
        about the Museum and offered their support
        and partly bought after Mr. Kostas Koshis
        persistent actions to enrich the collection.
        Nowadays, this material is exhibited in an
        especially       formed        setting,       inside      the
        establishments of the company and is open for
        visits from schools and other organizations.

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