Page 3 - 2022 Administrators Conference Brochure
P. 3

Facts about Pittsburgh,

         10 Pennslyvania

              Pittsburgh is known as the “City of Bridges” because   6.  In 1808, Allegheny County produced enough whiskey
          1. 1. it has 446 bridges which is more than Venice, Italy, or  6. each year to give every American man, woman, and
          any other city in the world.                         child half a barrel of whiskey.
               Who can resist a good, old-fashioned game of bin-  7.  Pittsburgh has more bars per capita than any other city
          2.  2. go? Not many. We have Pittsburgher Hugh J. Ward  7. in the country (12 per 10,000 residents).
          to thank for the world-famous game of bingo. Ward in-     The Andy  Warhol Museum is the largest single-artist
          troduced bingo to the Burgh in 1920. Within four years, it   8.  8. museum in North America.
          was a hit around the country.
                                                                    Steel made in Pittsburgh was used to build iconic struc-
              The world’s first T-rex skeleton is on display at the   9.  9. tures like the Empire State Building, Golden Gate Bridge,
          3.  3. Carnegie Museum of Natural History.           and many of the ships built during World War II.
               Pittsburgh has more days of rain and snow than Se-    In 1903, the first World Series was held between the
          4.  4. attle, Washington.                            10. 10.   ittsburgh Pirates and the Boston Americans. Boston
               Another fact about Pittsburgh that few know is that   won the series five games to three.
          5.  5. from 1891 to 1911, Pittsburgh was officially spelled
          without its “h”.

                            Weather & Attire

                            Dress is business casual throughout the Administrators Conference.
                            Average October temperatures in the Pittsburgh area range from
                            61° / 38°.  Please pack accordingly.
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