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HOTEL INFORMATION                                            Tentative Program

  Westin La Paloma                                              WEDNESDAY 1/6

     3800 E SUNRISE DRIVE, TUCSON, AZ 85718                     04:00 PM – 09:30 PM Registration
   PHONE: (520) 742-6000 • FAX: (520) 577-5878                  06:30 PM – 09:30 PM Welcome Reception & Dinner
                                                                09:30 PM – 11:00 PM Hospitality Suite Open
                                                                THURSDAY 1/7         Breakfast
Nestled in the foothills of the Santa Catalina                                       Board of Directors I
Mountains, The Westin La Paloma is surrounded by the            07:30 AM – 09:30 AM  Finance Committee
brilliant colors and unique shapes of the classic desert        08:30 AM – 11:00 AM  Pension Plan Committee
landscape, including golden sands, rugged mountains,            11:00 AM – 11:30 AM  Lunch (Vouchers)
wildlife and wildflowers, and century-old Saguaro cactuses.     11:30 AM – 12:00 PM
Located in Southern Arizona, Tucson was founded on August       11:30 AM – 01:30 PM  Hospitality Suite Open
20, 1776—an event celebrated annually at Tucson's birthday
party, La Fiesta de San Agustín.                                01:00 PM – 06:00 PM  Public Affairs Committee
People have always felt something special here and                                   Internal Affairs Committee
made it their home. In fact, Tucson is one of the               01:30 PM – 02:30 PM  Governance Committee
oldest continually inhabited areas in North America.            02:30 PM – 03:30 PM  Reception
Hohokam Indians lived and farmed here for 4,000 years           03:30 PM – 04:00 PM  Dinner
before Spanish missionaries and soldiers arrived in the         06:30 PM – 07:30 PM  Hospitality Suite Open
late 1600s and eventually established the Presidio San          07:30 PM – 09:30 PM
Agustín del Tucson and the Mission San Xavier del Bac—the       09:30 PM – 11:00 PM
two most iconic and historic structures in the region. "The
Old Pueblo," as the adobe-walled Presidio became known,         FRIDAY 1/8
remains Tucson's nickname to this day.
Home to 215 art groups, and more than 35 art galleries          07:30 AM – 09:30 AM Breakfast
in the downtown area alone, Tucson ranks as one of the
best places in the state to view works by the masters and       08:00 AM – 10:00 AM Industry Advisory Committee I
up-and-coming artists. Tucson’s natural history and
cultural heritage are also on display in the many regional      08:30 AM – 10:00 AM Board of Directors II
Set in a valley of the Sonoran Desert, Tucson is surrounded     10:00 AM – 11:30 AM Business Session I
by five mountain ranges. A trip from the 2,389-foot valley
floor to the 9,157-foot Mt. Lemmon summit along the             11:30 AM – 01:30 PM Lunch (Vouchers)
Catalina Highway traverses seven of the world's
nine ecosystems you'd see driving from Mexico to                          AFTERNOON ACTIVITES
Canada. The city is bordered on all sides by protected
natural areas: Coronado National Forest, Catalina               12:00 PM             Sabino Canyon Tram Tour
State Park, Ironwood Forest National Monument, and
Saguaro National Parks East and West. The Saguaro National      12:30 PM             Golf Tournament
Parks are among the best places to see the giant saguaro
cactus native only to Southern Arizona and Native Mexico.       01:00 PM – 06:00 PM Hospitality Suite Open
Today, Tucson is replete with natural wonders, history
and culture, offering thriving local visual and performing      06:30 PM – 07:30 PM Reception
arts, galleries, and museums that reflect its multicultural
heritage.                                                       07:30 PM – 09:30 PM Dinner

     WEATHER & ATTIRE                                           09:30 PM – 11:00 PM Hospitality Suite Open

In Tucson, the average temperatures in January range from a     SATURDAY 1/9
high of 65°F to a low of 42°F with an average precipitation of
roughly 1 inch. Remember to pack accordingly.                   07:30 AM – 09:30 AM Breakfast
Business casual attire will be appropriate throughout the       08:00 AM – 09:30 AM Industry Advisory Committee II
meeting and social functions, including all dinners.            08:30 AM – 09:30 AM Board of Directors III
                                                                09:30 AM – 10:00 AM Business Session II
                                                                10:30 AM – 11:30 AM Control State — Industry

                                                                11:30 AM – 01:30 PM Lunch (Vouchers)

                                                                               AFTERNOON ON OWN
                                                                01:00 PM – 06:00 PM Hospitality Suite Open
                                                                06:30 PM – 09:30 PM Closing Reception & Dinner

       Please return both the Registration Form and the Activity Form
                    no later than Monday, December 14, 2015!

NABCA 4401 Ford Avenue, Suite 700, Alexandria, VA 22302 • Secure Fax: (703) 824-3377
             NABCA Meetings Department (703) 578-4200
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