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With exclusive access as part of your Numark membership, Why stock Numark own brand?
our own brand range comprises of over 350 pharmacy
focused products, with a strong presence in many pharmacy Exclusive to Numark members - The beauty of the Numark own brand
label is its exclusivity to you! We have a comprehensive range with both
categories. In this catalogue, you can browse through the competitive retail and trade pricing that allows for high margins for you,
categories and see the information you could need to make a stocking own brand has never been more beneficial.
decision on what you could stock in your pharmacy. Product range - We have a strong presence in many pharmacy categories
Numark own brand has been around for over 60 years and has including: allergy, cough, cold and flu, oral analgesics, gastro, VMS,
developed a strong reputation with members stocking at a personal care and first aid, just to name a few!
local level. Giving your customers a reason to visit you rather Great quality and cost effective - The profit potential within own brand
than any of your local competitors is key to securing OTC and is huge, not only will your shelves look more professional and appealing
prescription business. The Numark own brand range can help holding the Numark brand, but you will also make more money.
differentiate you from your competition. Higher profit margins for you - With RRPs at least 20% below the leading
brand, the Numark own brand range provides quality products at winning
prices for your customers, whilst driving higher profit margins for you vs.
the leading brand. Average own brand product margin is 59%. We have a
KEYS: strategy put in place for you to maximise your profits on P and GSL lines
whilst still competing with high street pharmacies.
Brand alternatives - We offer a range of alternatives to the leading brand
£ MARGIN MAKER TOP TOP 50 which are significantly cheaper. For all your savvy, bargain shopping
customers who want great quality whilst also saving money. Numark own
brand offers quality products from a brand your customers know and
BEST SELLER NEW NEW Fresh, contemporary pack design – We’ve worked hard to give the own
brand products a strong presence on shelf with a professional, clinical
look and feel.